i hate registering for classes.
Malloreigh's newest set went up today
seriously, she may just be the most beautiful woman i've ever seen.
my english paper is becoming such a pain in the ass. i should probably get back to work on it. *ginormous sigh*
i had a meeting with Gary (my screenwriting teacher) today and we went over my treatment. he really liked it a lot, so woo hoo! i'm psyched (how's that early 90's slang taste going down, bitches!?). we decided to make some changes that will definitely make the script work better, but hooray! i'm very excited right now

Malloreigh's newest set went up today

my english paper is becoming such a pain in the ass. i should probably get back to work on it. *ginormous sigh*
i had a meeting with Gary (my screenwriting teacher) today and we went over my treatment. he really liked it a lot, so woo hoo! i'm psyched (how's that early 90's slang taste going down, bitches!?). we decided to make some changes that will definitely make the script work better, but hooray! i'm very excited right now

i rarely visit the HP group anymore... too much fanfiction, and people who've only seen the movies (cunts).