That guy up there, that's me right now. We just got Direct Tv and TiVo installed and it is quite possibly the best thing ever. not only does the picture quality make me all sorts of giddy, but i think i might ask my TiVo to marry me. the fact that i can set it to record entire seasons of shows is just fantastic (i have already taken advantage of this with Scrubs and Xena). and it records shows that it thinks you might like. i went to bed last night and woke up to find that it had recorded and episode of Buffy for me. that was a very nice surprise. if you can pick it up, i highly recommend it.
applied for an intership at a film/commercial editing company and things are looking good. it's unpaid, but only two days a week. and they hire all of their interns eventually, and that would be a nice start off point in the film industry.
played Cthulhu again last night. it's becoming a more frequent and regular activity and that makes me happy. must scrounge up my dice. MM-GLAVIN!
now i must get back to my shiny new toy which currently owns my soul
anyway...*sigh*. It's 5:30 and I'm in my jammies...still. I don't even leave my house anymore. I suck.