Hi Kids!
For those of y'all that didn't catch it (and that's probably most of ya since I didn't know I was gonna be on it till yesterday:0)) I was on a show on CNBC called "The Big Idea" which is an ironic title since there didn't seem to be any ... I was put on as the "Liberal" voice in a panel on TV and indecency. That's a bit odd since I ended up defending personal responsibility and being anti-big government, which is always assumed to be republican territory. But it seems that conservative people all over the country are getting very comfortable with handing over their parenting duties and responsibilities to the government... y'know the same way they hand over their children's mental health over to pharmaceutical companies... oy...
So I was just trying to make the point that.. since we already have a TV rating system AND most of the networks they have the biggest problems with (i.e. MTV, FX) are purchased and can be shut off.. you don't need a group of strangers... whom you don't know... or a government agent choosing what you can and can't watch by attempting to strangle writers and producers with astronomical fines ... Especially when there is no clearly defined rule on what is indecent and what isn't... no one knows if they will get fined and most have no recourse to defend themselves without fear of retaliation...
I think that's a reasonable point and I really don't need congress telling me what I should be able to see... and you'd think the conservatives would agree because what if the tide turns, they lose office and the new regime starts getting rid of their favorite shows like "7th Heaven" because that's using public airwaves to support one religious view point over another? They certainly would cry foul and you could argue they would have the right to.
Anyway, I brought up the recent incident where Jimmy Swaggart (y'know Reverend Jimmy "I got caught with a hooker and then cried on national TV and said I have sinned against you and everybody let me off the hook" Swaggart) said "If a gay man came on to me I'd kill him and tell God he died" and how I think a Preacher abdicating the murder of an innocent person... eh.. under certain circumstances ...uh... might be considered .. oh I dunno... Obscene?!? And I also mentioned how hateful I think Pat Robertson is and how he does more damage than "the real world" ever could. yadda yadda... so..
I got a couple of nice e-mails and a few nasty ones and I thought I'd share one with you... this is the state of discourse (and unfortunately the education system) in the country right now. It is an e-mail from someone who claims to be a teacher... everything in parenthesis is me commenting.
"I sawyou on television the other night.(It was tonight!) He (Why change from second to third person in one sentence?) was on a program called The Big Idea; or something of that sort. Your comments about Pat Robertson? Are you serious? Listen, I have been a teacher for roughly 20yrs. I have personal accounts and experience relative to what hurts children and what is destructive. Pat Robertson is no mental giant. In addition, being a devout Catholic, I disagree with him both theologically and sometimes politically. However, your comment stating he spreads hate is unbelievably ignorant and stupid. Obviously, you have no life experiences other than what is lived in the small dysfunctional world of Hollywood and pop culture. Otherwise, you would not state such idiotic things. The fact is, you are a corrupt and corrosive force upon our young(who knew I had that kind of power?). Your hedonistic lifestyle is with no boundaries and full of individual self gratification and pointless pleasure. People like you are not the hope and future of our society but an example of what a corrupt and meaningless United States pop culture has to offer our young. I hope one day you will grow up. If you want to know whats(how about an apostrophe?) good for people, go into teaching and try to instill some of you(r) beliefs on the kids. You will be completely lost and destroyed. What you offer is hopeless. Than (uh..y'mean "then"?) maybe you will find a little helpful Judeo-Christian culture to straighten out your shallow mind."
Let me state for the record that I have no problem with logical disagreement and I am open to anyone who has a legitimate point but... Did I mention she's a teacher? Oy!
I hope you all are doing well and that you are safe happy and healthy.
I'd love to write more but I have to get back to my hedonistic life. I have some pointless pleasure to finish.
Big Love,
For those of y'all that didn't catch it (and that's probably most of ya since I didn't know I was gonna be on it till yesterday:0)) I was on a show on CNBC called "The Big Idea" which is an ironic title since there didn't seem to be any ... I was put on as the "Liberal" voice in a panel on TV and indecency. That's a bit odd since I ended up defending personal responsibility and being anti-big government, which is always assumed to be republican territory. But it seems that conservative people all over the country are getting very comfortable with handing over their parenting duties and responsibilities to the government... y'know the same way they hand over their children's mental health over to pharmaceutical companies... oy...
So I was just trying to make the point that.. since we already have a TV rating system AND most of the networks they have the biggest problems with (i.e. MTV, FX) are purchased and can be shut off.. you don't need a group of strangers... whom you don't know... or a government agent choosing what you can and can't watch by attempting to strangle writers and producers with astronomical fines ... Especially when there is no clearly defined rule on what is indecent and what isn't... no one knows if they will get fined and most have no recourse to defend themselves without fear of retaliation...
I think that's a reasonable point and I really don't need congress telling me what I should be able to see... and you'd think the conservatives would agree because what if the tide turns, they lose office and the new regime starts getting rid of their favorite shows like "7th Heaven" because that's using public airwaves to support one religious view point over another? They certainly would cry foul and you could argue they would have the right to.
Anyway, I brought up the recent incident where Jimmy Swaggart (y'know Reverend Jimmy "I got caught with a hooker and then cried on national TV and said I have sinned against you and everybody let me off the hook" Swaggart) said "If a gay man came on to me I'd kill him and tell God he died" and how I think a Preacher abdicating the murder of an innocent person... eh.. under certain circumstances ...uh... might be considered .. oh I dunno... Obscene?!? And I also mentioned how hateful I think Pat Robertson is and how he does more damage than "the real world" ever could. yadda yadda... so..
I got a couple of nice e-mails and a few nasty ones and I thought I'd share one with you... this is the state of discourse (and unfortunately the education system) in the country right now. It is an e-mail from someone who claims to be a teacher... everything in parenthesis is me commenting.
"I sawyou on television the other night.(It was tonight!) He (Why change from second to third person in one sentence?) was on a program called The Big Idea; or something of that sort. Your comments about Pat Robertson? Are you serious? Listen, I have been a teacher for roughly 20yrs. I have personal accounts and experience relative to what hurts children and what is destructive. Pat Robertson is no mental giant. In addition, being a devout Catholic, I disagree with him both theologically and sometimes politically. However, your comment stating he spreads hate is unbelievably ignorant and stupid. Obviously, you have no life experiences other than what is lived in the small dysfunctional world of Hollywood and pop culture. Otherwise, you would not state such idiotic things. The fact is, you are a corrupt and corrosive force upon our young(who knew I had that kind of power?). Your hedonistic lifestyle is with no boundaries and full of individual self gratification and pointless pleasure. People like you are not the hope and future of our society but an example of what a corrupt and meaningless United States pop culture has to offer our young. I hope one day you will grow up. If you want to know whats(how about an apostrophe?) good for people, go into teaching and try to instill some of you(r) beliefs on the kids. You will be completely lost and destroyed. What you offer is hopeless. Than (uh..y'mean "then"?) maybe you will find a little helpful Judeo-Christian culture to straighten out your shallow mind."
Let me state for the record that I have no problem with logical disagreement and I am open to anyone who has a legitimate point but... Did I mention she's a teacher? Oy!
I hope you all are doing well and that you are safe happy and healthy.
I'd love to write more but I have to get back to my hedonistic life. I have some pointless pleasure to finish.
Big Love,
Actually, I think I had that class.
Seriously. I'll do just shy of anything. I'll buy you a really nice lunch/dinner?
And, erm, please don't reply to this in my journal. She reads that thing. IT'S GOTTA BE A SURPRISE!
[Edited on Apr 04, 2005 7:52AM]