Has anybody ever heard of the idea of getting a button from Santa's coat as good luck?
I did a show for WGN in Chicago this morning and they had a Toys for Tots drive..
(because Toys for Old people doesn't rhyme and they are in bigger danger from "Swallowable parts" than kids are)
And Santa was there and as Santas go..This guy was good. Never broke character, didn't seem creepy, smiled a lot, when asked for a quote by the news people said something rather eloquent about "Dreaming big dreams while appreciating what you already have" that didn't sound rehearsed..and...laughed genuinely after..and it had a genuine Ho Ho Ho tinge to it... on top of that he was about 7 feet tall... Very Santa
And he asked after me when I was leaving as if he had been bringing me presents since I was little and wondered how I was...
It was almost spooky.
And as I was leaving he reached into his pocket and handed me a small red drawstring pouch and said it was a button from Santa's coat and it was for luck...
I was almost nervous to look inside since we are so jaded in this culture I half expected a dye bomb or something untoward. But inside it was a Gold button with the initials SC and a sleigh and reindeer engraved across the top and a word along the bottom in simple cursive text...
I think it was single-handedly the most Christmasy thing I have experienced in decades.
Oddly enough as I travel all over the country and see the effects of the "economic downturn", I have noticed that when Americans are unable to shop... we actually engage in some pretty worthwhile behaviors. It's like the aftermath and clean-up of a tornado or hurricane. There seems to be a more charitable feeling this year and a sense of community that we don't have when we have the ability to shut out the world.
I'm sure it's not like this everywhere but I feel a sea change when I'm out and about in all the cities and communities. Hope it's the same where you are.
I did a show for WGN in Chicago this morning and they had a Toys for Tots drive..
(because Toys for Old people doesn't rhyme and they are in bigger danger from "Swallowable parts" than kids are)
And Santa was there and as Santas go..This guy was good. Never broke character, didn't seem creepy, smiled a lot, when asked for a quote by the news people said something rather eloquent about "Dreaming big dreams while appreciating what you already have" that didn't sound rehearsed..and...laughed genuinely after..and it had a genuine Ho Ho Ho tinge to it... on top of that he was about 7 feet tall... Very Santa
And he asked after me when I was leaving as if he had been bringing me presents since I was little and wondered how I was...
It was almost spooky.
And as I was leaving he reached into his pocket and handed me a small red drawstring pouch and said it was a button from Santa's coat and it was for luck...
I was almost nervous to look inside since we are so jaded in this culture I half expected a dye bomb or something untoward. But inside it was a Gold button with the initials SC and a sleigh and reindeer engraved across the top and a word along the bottom in simple cursive text...
I think it was single-handedly the most Christmasy thing I have experienced in decades.
Oddly enough as I travel all over the country and see the effects of the "economic downturn", I have noticed that when Americans are unable to shop... we actually engage in some pretty worthwhile behaviors. It's like the aftermath and clean-up of a tornado or hurricane. There seems to be a more charitable feeling this year and a sense of community that we don't have when we have the ability to shut out the world.
I'm sure it's not like this everywhere but I feel a sea change when I'm out and about in all the cities and communities. Hope it's the same where you are.
Wow, that's actually a really cool idea (The Santa's button thing). I'd love to do a story like that, or at least one that follows the idea. I hope your holidays were of the hook, and best of wishes to you for the new year. The Top 100 Hard Rock Songs countdown has been terrific thus far, I can't wait for the top 20 tonight! Peace.