The Lesser of Two Evils....
One of my pet peeves during an election cycle is the old stand by.. "You're just voting for the lesser os two evils". Setting aside that it actually portrays both sides in an elections as evil. You know, like child rape, genocide, hate crime and nuclear war. Evil isn't one of those words you should play around with. At least not in close contrast. I think saying "My Cat is Evil" is fine because the notion is ludicrous... unless of course your cat is a genocidal maniac. But when you attach it to a person... even one with whom you disagree... it cheapens the meaning of the word. Evil, like Stupid, Awesome, Ugly or Unbelievable... should be reserved for it's intended use or its absolute ironic opposite.
That being said. I personally believe there are some genuinely evil fuckers in the republican party. But I also think they are vastly outnumbered by well meaning (Although seriously self-destructive and misinformed) people.
The Lesser of two evils argument is usually a bail out in a substantive argument. It is used as a last resort when one has run out of information, hit a wall and is clearly losing the argument or is simply too tired or lazy to continue. They bail out of the conversation by going.. "Well... I really an independent anyway and the election is like voting for the lesser of two evils." Which, in my brilliant and more often than not totally correct opinion, is Horse Shit.
It used to be said that a Libertarian is a republican who smokes pot and an Independent is a Democrat too lazy to read. Wether one or both is true I would never consider either as evil... wasteful maybe... but not evil.
John McCain is not Evil.
Barack Obama is not Evil.
And the differences between the two are profound.
For full disclosure, I support Barack and think he would make a great president. It's not even in the realm of possibility that I would support a Republican in this election. I think the notion considering their fiscal, environmental and security track record is absurd. It STUNS me that any one would anyone would vote republican this time around.
But I still would not consider either of the two evil. (However Phil Gramm, MacCain's economic advisor comes really, really close)
But let's just say for argument that it was a choice between the lesser of tow evils....
Compared to a Con-artist a pick pocket is the lesser of two evils.
Compared to a murderer a mugger is the lesser of two evils.
Compared to a Cannibal a person who bites in a bar fight is the lesser of two evils.
My point is... choose wisely...
One guy might knock you over the head and take your wallet... the other would fuck your corpse..
Which one you gonna let sleep on your couch for four years?
It's just the lesser of two evils right? why not just flip a coin?
and relax, I'm not saying McCain is a Cannabalistic Necrophiliacal Grifter (Gramm? who can say)
I'm just exaggerating to show the ludicrous nature of that argument.
Whatever side you are on, the election is only served by you having More information, interest and choice.
That argument is a sign of moral and ethical weakness.
But that's just my opinion*... and compared to the opinion that Jews, Arabs, Indians, Blacks and Women should be beaten, killed or subjugated... is the lesser of two evils.
*see earlier description of said opinion
One of my pet peeves during an election cycle is the old stand by.. "You're just voting for the lesser os two evils". Setting aside that it actually portrays both sides in an elections as evil. You know, like child rape, genocide, hate crime and nuclear war. Evil isn't one of those words you should play around with. At least not in close contrast. I think saying "My Cat is Evil" is fine because the notion is ludicrous... unless of course your cat is a genocidal maniac. But when you attach it to a person... even one with whom you disagree... it cheapens the meaning of the word. Evil, like Stupid, Awesome, Ugly or Unbelievable... should be reserved for it's intended use or its absolute ironic opposite.
That being said. I personally believe there are some genuinely evil fuckers in the republican party. But I also think they are vastly outnumbered by well meaning (Although seriously self-destructive and misinformed) people.
The Lesser of two evils argument is usually a bail out in a substantive argument. It is used as a last resort when one has run out of information, hit a wall and is clearly losing the argument or is simply too tired or lazy to continue. They bail out of the conversation by going.. "Well... I really an independent anyway and the election is like voting for the lesser of two evils." Which, in my brilliant and more often than not totally correct opinion, is Horse Shit.
It used to be said that a Libertarian is a republican who smokes pot and an Independent is a Democrat too lazy to read. Wether one or both is true I would never consider either as evil... wasteful maybe... but not evil.
John McCain is not Evil.
Barack Obama is not Evil.
And the differences between the two are profound.
For full disclosure, I support Barack and think he would make a great president. It's not even in the realm of possibility that I would support a Republican in this election. I think the notion considering their fiscal, environmental and security track record is absurd. It STUNS me that any one would anyone would vote republican this time around.
But I still would not consider either of the two evil. (However Phil Gramm, MacCain's economic advisor comes really, really close)
But let's just say for argument that it was a choice between the lesser of tow evils....
Compared to a Con-artist a pick pocket is the lesser of two evils.
Compared to a murderer a mugger is the lesser of two evils.
Compared to a Cannibal a person who bites in a bar fight is the lesser of two evils.
My point is... choose wisely...
One guy might knock you over the head and take your wallet... the other would fuck your corpse..
Which one you gonna let sleep on your couch for four years?
It's just the lesser of two evils right? why not just flip a coin?
and relax, I'm not saying McCain is a Cannabalistic Necrophiliacal Grifter (Gramm? who can say)
I'm just exaggerating to show the ludicrous nature of that argument.
Whatever side you are on, the election is only served by you having More information, interest and choice.
That argument is a sign of moral and ethical weakness.
But that's just my opinion*... and compared to the opinion that Jews, Arabs, Indians, Blacks and Women should be beaten, killed or subjugated... is the lesser of two evils.
*see earlier description of said opinion