I just got back from Nashville. I performed at Zanies all weekend. Good Times
They have a weird thing about that club where instead of a Sunday show they do 3 shows on Saturday.
Yeah 3... I guess if you're a drift around mike to the chest comic it's no big deal. But I run around like a shaved monkey on stage and scream like a psychopath half the time.
And the weirdest thing is midway through the 3rd show you're about to do a bit and you go...
"Did I already do this one?" You have to do it for another joke to work but you don't know if you're repeating yourself.. it's wild, I tell ya, wild...
So to break up the monotony for ourselves My freind Chris and I ended the late show with a silly song...
They have a weird thing about that club where instead of a Sunday show they do 3 shows on Saturday.
Yeah 3... I guess if you're a drift around mike to the chest comic it's no big deal. But I run around like a shaved monkey on stage and scream like a psychopath half the time.
And the weirdest thing is midway through the 3rd show you're about to do a bit and you go...
"Did I already do this one?" You have to do it for another joke to work but you don't know if you're repeating yourself.. it's wild, I tell ya, wild...
So to break up the monotony for ourselves My freind Chris and I ended the late show with a silly song...

BTW^^^, that girl loves me.
i love you.