Photoshoot mania!
So I have basically been doing photoshoots non stop at the moment. Playing with swords, wigs and being covered in icing sugar. Its been an odd week.
also have got myself hooked on gin and tonic, which is quite an expensive thing to get yourself hooked on.
I now have a secret gin stash behind the flour in the top cupboard haha!
Anyway, heres some of what I have been up to...

So I have basically been doing photoshoots non stop at the moment. Playing with swords, wigs and being covered in icing sugar. Its been an odd week.
also have got myself hooked on gin and tonic, which is quite an expensive thing to get yourself hooked on.
I now have a secret gin stash behind the flour in the top cupboard haha!
Anyway, heres some of what I have been up to...


fucking gorgeous=]
