so then like christmas i'm adding a new post, my excuse would be first of all to blame an SG girl for producing such stunning art that i had to search out quality products to frame mount and glaze them with, i have also discovered that red bull the famous drink that is so high in caffeine it gives you wings does fuck all to...
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so then i thought its about time i said somat new so i'm planning an exhibtion which will include a couple of people from sg so events list soon so thats all hope your all still insane
drwhippy and ms. stabby should have a death match.
Consider it brought.


Well then i said i'd post a pic of the cutest married couple but i still haven't scanned the negs yet so heres a pic of them an me in the sugar club in notts at nightmares monthly thing (i'm new to this)
me, Angie and her husy Ben

gallery sounds interesting.
Need to know more though before you set anything up. who else is in it , how long is it on for , opening times blah blah blah. how many pieces would you want to show of ours etc
sounds good though mate
Need to know more though before you set anything up. who else is in it , how long is it on for , opening times blah blah blah. how many pieces would you want to show of ours etc
sounds good though mate
all sounds good to me
ill sort some stuff out
keep me posted
ill sort some stuff out
keep me posted
right well first a correction for my appauling name spellin teece i have to say i'm shit with names, this was corrected by the couple previously mentioned, went to notts today to check out the art gallery up at waterstones to put more plans into place for the photo exhibition

hey hun hows u,
yeah travis has got some ace work i need more soon xx
yeah travis has got some ace work i need more soon xx
right well i am completely fucked or to quote a fav book of mine shagged, fagged and dragged on the upside i got my pic from Temper an am now in the process of settin up an art exhibition WHAT THE FUCK yes i thought the very same thing after i thought about settin it up right well that il do for now
so what...
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you also have some great tattoos
thanks for commenting on my set

I say YES!
The colors are fabulous, they compliment, fit, and don't distract. Perfect. The only thing that strikes me is that it may be a little too wide? I think it's a little too bold for the frilly, airy subject, if you get what I mean. Nevertheless, that's just a detail - if it's real easy to make the frame slimmer, that would be great, if not, don't bother. I'm happy with it.
The colors are fabulous, they compliment, fit, and don't distract. Perfect. The only thing that strikes me is that it may be a little too wide? I think it's a little too bold for the frilly, airy subject, if you get what I mean. Nevertheless, that's just a detail - if it's real easy to make the frame slimmer, that would be great, if not, don't bother. I'm happy with it.

Well what can i say i've been busy, right well besides shedloads of work , i went to a mates weddin his now wife Angie was very Dita Von Trice (?) pics will come got a couple of my photos in Harleys at Chesterfield art gallery interior place 80 each their choice on the price not mine worked the bar while the ferret race was...
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I've stopped being a moody biatch now!! Some Blokes suck, bt some are cool!!
How have you been anyway?
How have you been anyway?
Made some sense, but write me another with extra thoughts.

well had some more power linnin done on my dragon its lookin better everytime
then i went over to see xvoidxto get my pic which looks fuckin amazin so pop onto his page and buy buy buy the websites linked on there

Argh! Punctuation! Please consider I'm most probably tired or drunk or both when I read comments, let them be legible!!
Ferret race - yes, photos! When we try anything like that it just ends up with one of em scratching her ear and falling down while the other runs into the wrong direction. Better luck to you guys!

Ferret race - yes, photos! When we try anything like that it just ends up with one of em scratching her ear and falling down while the other runs into the wrong direction. Better luck to you guys!
oh, the countless times i've done that.
so then work over the weekend was shite killed my back twice liftin heavy stuff. bought 250 worth of photo equipment as my fav sayin 'its not what you know its who you know' came to prove itself when the mother of the owner of a local art gallery an artish gift shop told me to bring her some prints in to see if they...
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hows u doing xxx

ok plain an simple a friend of a friend is doing a cancer thing an needs sponsership money so plain an simple help out oh more info onnicolajane page cheers all

Thank you for the comment on my set

funnily enough, my mom mentioned the same thing to me. except i don't remember her using the "financial dominatrix" term. lovely, lovely parental censorship, i'm thinkin'.
well its about right i start makin myself a collar due to the fact all i've seen are to nice an sparkerly for me an what do you know i get a reply from someone who makes wanting more info an pics but i'm still gonna carry on the diy 1 as i want the unleashed collar to be spot on

haha ur just kinky
im just pissed nd happy bouncing person cocktails and beer do not mix very well especially with cream

Nice and Sparkly are the way to go!!
I didn't put choc in my chilli, but I did once try Vegetables in a Mole sauce? (I think thats how it's spelt) and that was based around Dark Chocolate!
Mmmmm, I'm wanting Mexican food now!
Anyway Hope your good?

I didn't put choc in my chilli, but I did once try Vegetables in a Mole sauce? (I think thats how it's spelt) and that was based around Dark Chocolate!
Mmmmm, I'm wanting Mexican food now!

Anyway Hope your good?

and the thespian life goes smoothly. i just scored the part of a "jewish-american princess binge drinker" and am being flown out to victoria to shoot it. hotel room! all to myself! this is a miracle and a half for a chick who's been sharing hotel rooms with her parents and hotel beds with her brother her entire life. and yes, her dad snores.
sweet stuff about NY, by the way. you spending time in the city at all?