So today i got up after not much sleep at all, attempted to wake my partner, failed, sat around for a while until they did rouse from their slumber then in thier workplace and had cheese on bagels (yumyum).
Is it bad that i had a beer before even having breakfast today?
Went home and talked to my grandmother and mother about my moving out...
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Is it bad that i had a beer before even having breakfast today?

Went home and talked to my grandmother and mother about my moving out...
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I have to walk to work in 40 mins. Its already foggy and cold, and its not even winter yet.
I am going to spend this winter like i spent most of last, On my arse. SO much black ice there is virtually no point in standing up again...
Although i love my job (making drinks in an alternative pub that i love), i do...
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I am going to spend this winter like i spent most of last, On my arse. SO much black ice there is virtually no point in standing up again...
Although i love my job (making drinks in an alternative pub that i love), i do...
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I've heard (don't know if it's true) that typically Bartenders and Servers (Waiters) pretty much just get paid by the hour and don't receive tips in European countries? THAT'S CRAZY if it's true? Here in the States, being a pretty, young female Bartender is practically a license to steal. Working a busy Saturday night in a nice club in the States you'd walk out at the end of your shift with a minimum of $300.00 to $400.00 and probably more, depending on how long your shift was? Figure at least $50.00 to $60.00 per hour, TAX FREE!!
I get tips.
I don't care if its not allowed in europe. If people are going to stare lol, i expect something for it
I don't care if its not allowed in europe. If people are going to stare lol, i expect something for it

So you go an check on your mail an find out that someone has gifted you an SG account, WHO THE FUCK DID THIS and WHY, i know i should be grate full an all but its gonna drive me nuts trying to figure out if it was someone i know on here or just a ploy by SG to get me to pay them...
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2500 thats the pay out i got for my whiplash yeah about fuckin time too it only happened about 16 months ago in fact i think it was one of my first propper blogs, so now how to abuse it answers on a postcard please

hey you 
thnx for excepting my req

thnx for excepting my req

so then the lastest news from the third son of belezebub, i'm still workin on the get my ass over to the states via a student visa 6 month chefs corse an hopefully a 14 month intership, but that will come soon, so as my mate is still over that side of the pond his mind has been goin mad with his little sister-in-law Maria...
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i don`t understood the coment on my set...

I miss you whippy. It's been a while. I have another place! I'm sharing an apartment with one bathroom with three other roommates, but the couch is comfy and it's clean and Harvard Square is only a 30minute walk away. Yay!!!!!!!!!! I've been here since December, so you may already know about it, but if you ever want to come by just don't trash my place. lol Otherwise you are welcome.

so then i decided to move to the US, something which involoved being asked by my mate out there 'so do you fancie livin ere?' this took me all of 2 seconds to say 'yeah why not' i am the stubborn third son of belezebub, i looked at all the angles, stuff like the dollar is cheap at the mo, so export has gone through...
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Mmmm its pink not red lol...
as to the ad boards....dunno
it all tends to be books n houses for rent etc...
as to the ad boards....dunno
it all tends to be books n houses for rent etc...
thanks for the comment on my blog whippy. It's nice to see you always.

Sooo after a couple of hectic months, christmas is finally fuckin over, now don't get me wrong there are good things about christmas, mums turkey, mums stuffin, mums cranberry sauce, mums christmas pudd, but its all of the shit that i can't stand, the twats that seem to appear from nowhere pissed as farts an really jus great big fuckin twats that need a crimbo...
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OH my Gosh! Happy way-belated BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A November boy!
yeah, life is starting to look up a bit. speaking of writing, it looks like i'm working on TWO zines now, the one at school and an additional one that my friend is cooking up an idea for. i'm just so counter-culture couture like that.
so then as per usual i logged onto my email account to check who wants to tell me about soem crap there sellin or how there aunts gettin her just deserts from her son. Yes they are that sick, an low an behold a diamound glittering brightly away like a 1 carrot pure brilliant cut, (trust me i held one there fuckin gobbsmakin) but anyhow...
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I must apologise for how slack I am, I never come say hello to you anymore!! How are you, I'm still pootleing along doing not alot! Woooo!!
Anyway hopes your okies?
I must apologise for how slack I am, I never come say hello to you anymore!! How are you, I'm still pootleing along doing not alot! Woooo!!
Anyway hopes your okies?

Ok so new york is fucking amazing so much so i'm gonna try an move there i say try as i had a quick squint at gettin a green card feck me only 25000 bloody known personality's what the feck for they do nothin but cause more embrassement for the hotels that have to kick em out well its chesterfield again for now but as...
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Nothing makes sense in Wonderland....Mwaahaaaaaaahaaaaaaa!!!!
i'm doing still in the states?
NEW YORK NEW YORK need i say more
oh an gerard in bat cave almost got me shit faced with a concoction

I have no x
I need to get to NY again this year. Need. To.
And you better read that entry. It's worth it, trust me.
And you better read that entry. It's worth it, trust me.

I need more dye.. My silly jet black roots are making an appearance