Today i realised alot of my life is spent imagining things. I talk to myself as if i am in a play and its a script alot of the time. I don't know if this is common or not but i know why i do it.
When things don't go as planned i seem to retreat into this world, i watch my life as if its a movie and take great pleasure in being able to play a character other than myself.
Its strange that until today i didn't realise i did it.
The world in my mind is not one full of rainbows and butterflies, but simply one where i occasionally get the romantic lines every girl longs to hear and so on.
Occasionally these musings are a little surreal but most of the time its simply like a first person sit com...
I don't want to change this as its nice to be able to have control of the world in my head, even if i have no control in the one that i am really in.
I have started just posting things here, simply to see them in word form in front of me.
Fully aware that there is a danger i won't be able to see the lines between these scenarios and reality, i hope that i can avoid that day and keep peacefully dreaming with my eyes wide open.
You will find me hiding in the corners of my mind
When things don't go as planned i seem to retreat into this world, i watch my life as if its a movie and take great pleasure in being able to play a character other than myself.
Its strange that until today i didn't realise i did it.
The world in my mind is not one full of rainbows and butterflies, but simply one where i occasionally get the romantic lines every girl longs to hear and so on.
Occasionally these musings are a little surreal but most of the time its simply like a first person sit com...
I don't want to change this as its nice to be able to have control of the world in my head, even if i have no control in the one that i am really in.
I have started just posting things here, simply to see them in word form in front of me.
Fully aware that there is a danger i won't be able to see the lines between these scenarios and reality, i hope that i can avoid that day and keep peacefully dreaming with my eyes wide open.
You will find me hiding in the corners of my mind
A very interesting post m'dear. Y'know, I think i quite a few of the more introspective and reflective amongst us often imagine ourselves as the lead protagonist in a third-party narrative. Sometimes a book, sometimes a play (as you have noted), sometimes a movies shot in 70mm widescreen panavision, sometimes a movie shot in shaky hand-held 8mm.
Anyway, if I was your screen writer, I'd give you all the lines for the romantic lead
You take care m'dear & speak soon.. best wishes from Andalucia,