Sooo after a couple of hectic months, christmas is finally fuckin over, now don't get me wrong there are good things about christmas, mums turkey, mums stuffin, mums cranberry sauce, mums christmas pudd, but its all of the shit that i can't stand, the twats that seem to appear from nowhere pissed as farts an really jus great big fuckin twats that need a crimbo tree up there ass, thankgod or Bog in all in greater glory that i'm off to NY on fri for a few days an several, of which the first night will be spent makin love to a seven eleven fliter coffee machine, oh how i love that stuff, ah well hope everyone had a good crhistmas or whatever an all the best for the new year

OH my Gosh! Happy way-belated BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A November boy!
yeah, life is starting to look up a bit. speaking of writing, it looks like i'm working on TWO zines now, the one at school and an additional one that my friend is cooking up an idea for. i'm just so counter-culture couture like that.