Saturday Apr 15, 2006 Apr 15, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email well the pains goin away at last an i'm off to see nicolajane so should i wear the pink or blue dress hmmmm. haha have fun all anyes i have once VIEW 9 of 9 COMMENTS nicolajane: well im now off to bed good night and sweet dreams now im hyper for 3 weeks time so what have you got planned for me??? xxx Apr 17, 2006 poseidon: Only wear the Pink if it's a taffeta ballgown. I've fancied trying Kopparbergs Pear cider for a while, mayhaps I'll have a few after payday, should one of the pubs near work still sell it. Apr 17, 2006
I've fancied trying Kopparbergs Pear cider for a while, mayhaps I'll have a few after payday, should one of the pubs near work still sell it.