I've been home for 4 days now. I don't want to go back to the office and listen to the sheep whine about computer problems all day. Good thing it's going to be Friday and there is a three day weekend to look forward to. I have some issues with one of my roomies. It seems she's dismissed me and my other roommat. She's gone...
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I seriously doubt anyone is reading my journal here but I'll continure to post so I don't creep people out. I'm 35 and I'm still trying to find out who I am. Why is this? Shouldn't I have direction as to what I'm going to do in life? I started my 3rd career just over two years ago so that isn't an issue. It's my...
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There's still plenty of time left to find out 'who you are'. Who determines whether or not you should have direction in your life? Society?
[Edited on Jun 10, 2003]
[Edited on Jun 10, 2003]
When I was growing up I followed what was expected by me. Semi strict parents and education made sure of that. I guess you can say Society dictated my life. But, I grew up and got divorced and now I'm free.
Ah, Friday night an nothing much to do. So, I go to IHOP with a couple of friends and drink coffee and munch on some greasy goodness. These two are the only people I encounter of a regular basis. We're all alike socially and see the world in a different point of view that is often mistaken as macabre. Well, back to my addiction and...
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i know, boring weeke4nds are coming around waaaay too often these days.... hopefully summer will bring some more crap to do during my free time
Ok, I was sent an email mentioning I should keep and update this journal. Someone actually pays attention to me? I'm not sure what I have to say here but I'll try to make an effort. Should I say how my day went or how I left work early to get home and game on some EverQuest? The cats out of the bag for now.

How are you ?