I am so happily tired right now, but there is so much to do more. I need to format my video, but I can't get the quality that I wanted out of it, it is a bit blury hole the time.
Do you Know that today First Clown in history goes in space?
HE is from Canada. What he will do there?
And I am...
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Do you Know that today First Clown in history goes in space?

And I am...
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yeah, finally I have an idea for video project that I'm making but the deadline is this thursday
tomorrow filming, maybe I will post it here too

tomorrow filming, maybe I will post it here too
sounds great, i hope you do post it here or somehwhere else for me to see
Of course
I had to do it like in 3 weeks, but I was to lazy, very busy with playing video games

I had to do it like in 3 weeks, but I was to lazy, very busy with playing video games

OMG.. I think that I am becoming a housewife! I spent more than a week at home laying at my coach, reading, watching TV , playing nintendo or doing nothing OR cleaning and cooking.. this need to be end, tomorrow I will go to my favorite La Perla club and party till dawn 

Hey that's a sweet life 

I don't know, maybe, I just can't used to it 

It is Friday, i do not need to go to school today, the weather is fantastic, i'm drinking my favourite starbucks coffee, it couldn't get any better !
BUT feels like morning , like 5 am, I think it's fiver

BUT feels like morning , like 5 am, I think it's fiver

Well, i feel very ill to night, like little kitten left alone.. I bet it is form that bicycling around my town past this month, but I can't do anything with that, I love my brand new best friend!
Oh, it is so stormy and cold outside, this is one of the worst days in the middle of the nowhere

Oh, it is so stormy and cold outside, this is one of the worst days in the middle of the nowhere

I have filmed it with olds sony DV, because my HD camera has broken down