You know what happens when you save money and then don't move? You blow it on shit, like bikes. Well at least i do.

this is mine now.... 1940 harley 45 flathead

so is this. 1969 harley xlch sportster
yeah, yeah, i know..... i blew all my savings....ive had a bad year and this made everything better.. well i'm not moving to salt lake till next year, so i'm not worried. Could be worse, i could blow all my money on drugs....

this is mine now.... 1940 harley 45 flathead

so is this. 1969 harley xlch sportster
yeah, yeah, i know..... i blew all my savings....ive had a bad year and this made everything better.. well i'm not moving to salt lake till next year, so i'm not worried. Could be worse, i could blow all my money on drugs....