not much going on. I've been working on bikes and getting stuff together for the move in jan.
anyway, i got new glasses today. i went back to hipster glasses. Yeah i know, i look like a god damn hipster. But, i have worn these type glasses for years (over a decade). I tried something new last year and they sucked and made me look way older than i am. here is a pic. notice the t-p on the pic...
my life is exciting in Virginia(sarcasm)
My normal blog
anyway, i got new glasses today. i went back to hipster glasses. Yeah i know, i look like a god damn hipster. But, i have worn these type glasses for years (over a decade). I tried something new last year and they sucked and made me look way older than i am. here is a pic. notice the t-p on the pic...

my life is exciting in Virginia(sarcasm)
My normal blog
She really is one of the prettiest dogs I know...the way she holds herself they way she prances when she walks or runs....however she is the most bizaree dog I have ever had too.
She one minute is upstairs being all anti social then she zooms down stairs and it lifting up your hands and feet for attention to get you to pet her...she barks at anything that walks in the door...but as she barks she slowly but sureky ventures toward u...she is spooked about everything.