today in staunton VA.

not much going on, blah. i've been house sitting for a month now. Still working on my bike. Hopefully the damn thing will be fixed by this weekend.
i want this dog so bad. . She reminds me of sprocket to a degree. I really miss him.
I'm going to salt Lake around the 9th of Aug. I'm going to put the bike on a trailer cause my shoulder cant take 6 days of 6 hour riding in a row. I"m so pumped over this trip. i really miss the rockies and the west coast. I really miss my friends i use to snowboard with that are still in Salt Lake. IT seems like all those dudes are into motorcycles now.
Oh, i forgot I'm also moving to Seatlle for 3 months in Oct for shoulder surgery and rehab. Seattle is really the only place in the US that has a good track record with the surgery. I don't remember if i said that last blog

not much going on, blah. i've been house sitting for a month now. Still working on my bike. Hopefully the damn thing will be fixed by this weekend.
i want this dog so bad. . She reminds me of sprocket to a degree. I really miss him.
I'm going to salt Lake around the 9th of Aug. I'm going to put the bike on a trailer cause my shoulder cant take 6 days of 6 hour riding in a row. I"m so pumped over this trip. i really miss the rockies and the west coast. I really miss my friends i use to snowboard with that are still in Salt Lake. IT seems like all those dudes are into motorcycles now.
Oh, i forgot I'm also moving to Seatlle for 3 months in Oct for shoulder surgery and rehab. Seattle is really the only place in the US that has a good track record with the surgery. I don't remember if i said that last blog
Although I would find that hilariously creepy if it were true.
I wouldn't imagine that men get hit on too often. I'm a pretty extroverted young lass and while I am not the least bit shy in most areas the most I can muster when it comes to men is a decent eye-fuck.
I'm actually considering staking out Brody dude's new work. Seeing as the old coffee shop has just hired someone new, I think it's safe to say he's going to be working pretty regularly there at the new place. Do you think it would be odd if I waltzed in there, ordered a coffee, and plopped down to read a book while constantly throwing flirtatious looks his way? I am quite affluent once in conversation, it's the spontaneous chit chatting that kills me.
However, how does one hit on a guy? Like, how would you want to be hit on by an attractive lady?
Oh *do* tell me about your investigating escapades.
Of which old dudes are you referring to?
And the charming gentlemen who holla'd at me where quite thug, gangster, and what have you.