The more i tear down this bike the more i find wrong with it. I think i might just part it out. I'm also having title issues. The guy that sold it to me technically didn't have the right to without a title. Va dmv is giving me shit. It looks like i might have to get it titled in Florida with a friends help. But still i might not do it. ii really only have an engine and two wheels i can use. yeah i might just part it out. i can get my money back
anyway i finally up loaded some stuff to flickr that i shot the summer with a holga and box camera.
anyone think that it is lame to call a girl too skinny in tags on sets? Isn't it like calling a girl too fat? I mean there are stereotypes with skinny. I mean i eat like crazy and have never been able to gain weight. anyway i saw one a few days ago, it kinda irritated me a little. i guess i have skinny baggage from growing up in redneckville where you are expected to play football and chop wood.
anyway i finally up loaded some stuff to flickr that i shot the summer with a holga and box camera.
anyone think that it is lame to call a girl too skinny in tags on sets? Isn't it like calling a girl too fat? I mean there are stereotypes with skinny. I mean i eat like crazy and have never been able to gain weight. anyway i saw one a few days ago, it kinda irritated me a little. i guess i have skinny baggage from growing up in redneckville where you are expected to play football and chop wood.
Skinny tagging is fucking lame. I can't even believe it when people tag "Auschwitz" on sets. It's one thing to say "lean" "thin" "skinny" but it's a total other thing to be mean about it.
I really apreaciate your sweet comment in my set