So I read something funny and I just wanted to share my thoughts. A SG on a forum said "we are not objects dude, we have feelings and you should get to know us." This was in response to a user talking about his collecting of sets he loves. While in the real world we all know girls have feelings and are of course not objects. Here however it is a site, a business, where the goal is to get the most "love" so you can get paid. I am sorry, but you can't objectify yourself any more than that. While it is possible, although EXTREMELY unlikely, that you can come to know a girl on here personally. People aren't "loving" sets because of the great personalities of the models or because we loved the way they got to know us with their sets. You are objectifying yourself so you can make money, nothing wrong with it just find it funny that girls are getting upset when their fans point it out. Also find it hilarious that it is creepy if people collect the sets. I am sorry, but we are paying for that right. Belittling a customer, which is what members are, for saving images we love that we are getting because we are paying is just stupid. If you are going to be a Suicide Girl you might want to keep in mind you are selling a product, images of yourself and Anyone can view and buy them. If you don't want to deal with the public, then don't put yourself out there and act like it is some sin that you are objectified. Hell the whole point of the site is to be the shiniest most sought after bauble so you can get paid. Getting upset that we then think of you are as just pretty things, is hilarious to me. You can all bash away at me as you try to argue differently and point out that I am wrong. I am not though, while you models can and do all get to meet and "get to know" each other. The rest of us you wouldn't give the time of day, so why should we care. The SG that prompted this post has almost 3000 followers. I am sure she knows them all and they talk on a regular basis. She also has 8 sets bought by the site. The others that agreed with her are close to those numbers. So it's okay if we get you paid and okay to take the sites money, but not okay if we think of you as an object. Thankfully a lot of girls thanked the guy for his appreciation of the site and their work. At least a lot of you grasp the concept of how the site works. I for one would love to see someone show me the guy or girl, paying member not a SG, that is only here to follow the great personality blogs and wishes the site didn't have nude photos. Since that will never happen my point stands.
Personally, I don't see it as the objectification of women because that has connotations of being disrespectful and I absolutely respect the women of SG. The way I see it, SGs use their sets to express themselves. It is a liberating experience. The photos are never degrading, they are arty and personal. I like this site because it advocates love of all styles, body types and personalities. The SGs have blogs so members can get to know them. It's true that they can't build personal relationships individually with all members but they can interact with their followers through blogs and group discussions. I love the SG website for the community and the acceptance and freedom of expression it allows.
While that is true and people are welcome to use the site for its social aspect, a LOT of SGs don't blog, don't respond to posts, don't talk to the public hardly any or at all. So while everyone has their interpretation of the site and why they are here, in the end my point still stands. It isn't in a models best interest to belittle a paying member because the reason he is here is to collect all the sets or to just stare at naked women without any thought to who they are or what their personality is like. Believe me, if people had to "get to know" a lot of these models before seeing them naked, this site wouldn't exist. A lot of peoples' personalities don't mesh and it is better to be objectified and liked for your body when it comes to a site like this. Otherwise we wouldn't have a set like this. In the end there will always be differences about the site, however it still boils down to the same simple fact. Models are putting themselves on display to be viewed and objectified. If they don't like that idea, they don't have to model.