Hey there!
I've decided to delete my hopeful pictures.
I've been modeling for SG for 4 years and I know that I will never pass pink.
And you know what? I've come to accept that
I've met so fantastic people here and I know I will continue to make amazing pictures with them outside SG world!
I'm not really leaving, I just do not want...
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I've decided to delete my hopeful pictures.
I've been modeling for SG for 4 years and I know that I will never pass pink.
And you know what? I've come to accept that

I've met so fantastic people here and I know I will continue to make amazing pictures with them outside SG world!
I'm not really leaving, I just do not want...
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Oh summer....
I just can"t wait to finish work and start enjoying summer a little bit more!
Meanwhile.....I had a shooting one week ago with a friend....the place was amazing...a small river hidden in a big forest....We were supposed to take some portraits but hey, it was warm and so I couldn't resist to jump in the river and we made a set....
The set...
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I just can"t wait to finish work and start enjoying summer a little bit more!
Meanwhile.....I had a shooting one week ago with a friend....the place was amazing...a small river hidden in a big forest....We were supposed to take some portraits but hey, it was warm and so I couldn't resist to jump in the river and we made a set....
The set...
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I'm glad you did 

Trs jolies preview !
comme toi je vois passer des hopefuls qui mriteraient 1000 fois de passer en pink.
et je suis trs content de t'entendre/te lire encore gueuler ! quelle bonne nouvelle pour commencer la semaine !
Et toi, quand est-ce que tu nous reviens avec un joli set?