So I've been hitting the gym lately and I think it's my new favourite thing!

Anyone who knows me would NEVER have expected those words to come from my mouth. I've always been the quiet one, the book worm, the introvert, the Saturday night in kind of girl, the one who would do anything to get out of gym class in school (SO many fake...
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You are an inspiration for many!
@duitall thank you, that's very kind! But if I can do it, anybody can 😊 the timing just needs to be right

Hello love ! Just wanted to thank you about your comment on my last set ! It warmed my heart so much ! Thanks again soooo much <3 

You're welcome, lovely, it's beautiful! x

From nlough


Hey how are you? How's the writing going? Just wanted to check in and tell you that you are gorgeous. Have a wonderful weekend.


One of my absolute favourite hopefuls @konami_ has a photoset in MR and I couldn't help but post about it! 😍 What a beaut! If you don't already follow her then you totally should, and check out her set for some HD quality pixel panties booty HERE.

P.s. Before anyone asks, no I don't know her personally nor am I doing this for any other
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That is an awesome set, @konami_ has the most beautiful eyes and a cute smile to boot!😍😍😍