K. I'm gonna get on my pissy pot an bitch about how fucking lame people are. Not just any people, but the very denizens of this site. Yes oh yes my bothers and sisters, there are several amoung us who post no picture and scrape oh so desperately for a modicum of whit in their profiles, that is of course if they have filled one out!
Lest ye forget my bretheren that we are all here to be entertained!!! Not to be an enigma, some veiled or otherwise mysterious recluse, but instead to shower the masses with the undefinably unique light that is yourself! (taking off your clothes dosen't hurt either) So go fourth, post pictures, make journal entries as I have done, expose yourself to the universe of lifeless gawking assholes parked in front of their monitors (ever wonder why its called a MONITOR? Just a thought...) like the helpless sensation junkies that they are, and embrace the joy and catharsis that is exhibitionisim!
It is with these words my brothers and sisters that I leave you now, not to critisize or vilify, but as gentle guidence and enlightenment. As I now return you to your life I leave you with this thought and expression from a voice We all know as the late great Kurt Cobain:
"Here we are now; entertain us!"
Lest ye forget my bretheren that we are all here to be entertained!!! Not to be an enigma, some veiled or otherwise mysterious recluse, but instead to shower the masses with the undefinably unique light that is yourself! (taking off your clothes dosen't hurt either) So go fourth, post pictures, make journal entries as I have done, expose yourself to the universe of lifeless gawking assholes parked in front of their monitors (ever wonder why its called a MONITOR? Just a thought...) like the helpless sensation junkies that they are, and embrace the joy and catharsis that is exhibitionisim!
It is with these words my brothers and sisters that I leave you now, not to critisize or vilify, but as gentle guidence and enlightenment. As I now return you to your life I leave you with this thought and expression from a voice We all know as the late great Kurt Cobain:
"Here we are now; entertain us!"
No I hath not yet receivethed my alcohoriscope....Do tell...
Sorry, Mr. Spellchecker. I'll be more careful next time.