OK! My internet is back in action. My apologies to yall for falling out of touch, but I can't get online at work, and going through the explanation of SG to other people is just, difficult, I suppose, because I don't really look at sets anymore. I stay for a few of the groups, and some of the conversation, though the vast majority of the cool people that I once cared deeply about are either gone, or I am just no longer close with, for various reasons. I may just let the subscription run out, but there are some parts of this site I feel I still need. And I still see good in it at times.
Update: I swung back home recently for the latter end of the music and arts camp I volunteer at every summer. I surprised everyone and was shocked at the positive response. Total ego boost. My favorite people in the world and I drank and made music and poetry into the wee hours of every morning and spent my days building tents and running musicians and equipment around on golf carts to the various stages of the festival. All was right for a good few days. Every year I sustain an injury during this process, and this year it was to my face. While putting in the last corner pole of a 20' x 30' tent, I was hammering in the spike's when the man holding the pole lost control of it and the weight and pressure and pole all multiplied on my face. Luckily it hit my forehead, and though knocked on my ass, I was mostly fine. I put ice on immediately so now there's no discoloration, just a huge bump that blends in until I turn sideways. Not bad, all in all. Far less blood than most years.
I'd post pics of the good times, but I'd rather let you enjoy your imaginations for now. Let me just say that I love female musicians. Like, all of them.
This week is hell week studying for my state EMT practical certification test on Saturday, but next week I'm going to Miami, which I imagine will be very warm, but very awesome, for I have missed my unicorn. I am hoping for at least boats. And also, air conditioning. Who knows what adventures await me.
Update: I swung back home recently for the latter end of the music and arts camp I volunteer at every summer. I surprised everyone and was shocked at the positive response. Total ego boost. My favorite people in the world and I drank and made music and poetry into the wee hours of every morning and spent my days building tents and running musicians and equipment around on golf carts to the various stages of the festival. All was right for a good few days. Every year I sustain an injury during this process, and this year it was to my face. While putting in the last corner pole of a 20' x 30' tent, I was hammering in the spike's when the man holding the pole lost control of it and the weight and pressure and pole all multiplied on my face. Luckily it hit my forehead, and though knocked on my ass, I was mostly fine. I put ice on immediately so now there's no discoloration, just a huge bump that blends in until I turn sideways. Not bad, all in all. Far less blood than most years.
I'd post pics of the good times, but I'd rather let you enjoy your imaginations for now. Let me just say that I love female musicians. Like, all of them.
This week is hell week studying for my state EMT practical certification test on Saturday, but next week I'm going to Miami, which I imagine will be very warm, but very awesome, for I have missed my unicorn. I am hoping for at least boats. And also, air conditioning. Who knows what adventures await me.
Good to hear from ya! Take care of that face! 

I know what you mean. I remember asking my boss if I could go on SG at work if I'm not looking at sets, but just on the journals and forums. I wouldn't have in a normal work environment, but my boss and I are friends, and since I work at a gay community center and we've actually had trainings that involved watching lots of porn and discussing it afterwards... I thought things might be a little more liberal. But nope. He said, "If it's a porn site, then you can't go on it here." And I guess that makes sense, in the interest of not making anyone uncomfortable, but yeah, SG is different because if you're an old member, you probably rarely look at the sets anyhow. Also, I used to be able to go on at the library and I can't anymore.