Seriously. Don't click on it. I'm no even positive I can put this here. Please warn me before zotting me.
Speaking of alleged childhood innocence ruiners, shut up. Where the Wild Things Are was in fact awesome.
By the way, I have to copy and paste the letter "j", since I'm on my backup computer right now which does not have that letter, nor does it work even if you pound it. Funny, my ex was the last person to have this computer, and my name starts with that letter...........Anyway, don't expect any words with that letter. I'll use a $ instead. So like it, until I siphon all the viruses out of my computer, like I siphoned he snake poison outcha mama last night............with a snake bite kit. That's serious shit. She's ok. Don't worry.
Also: I went on a boat, motherfucker. Sorry. No, it doesn't get old. Say hello to your mother for me.
While on said boat, during the small craft warning, with the breeze running through my shaved head and the sea arching its back to my command of it, we went to a newly discovered island. Can't be bigger than a pool hall, and covered in seals. HELL YES. As we neared, and we couldn't get too close cuz seas be rocky, a few swam out about halfway to us, as if to say HI. WE SEE YOU. LET US MELD. DO YOU HAVE FISH? OR BOOZE? NO? BYE. IMA GO LAY ON A BEACH, BEEYATCH. Here's a pic from my phone. Doesn't do any $ustice.
So, in closing, some songs that have recently resurfaced in my rotations. En$oy.
Was this one less whiny?