yup. i'm back. fantastic (with a few sides of drama) times in maryland. got dumped twice, but she knows now she can't get rid of me that easily. but common ground was just what i needed. got me writing again, but had to give back the banjo. still, that crew fills me with blood and spirit. for pictures, see girlysound's page. and oh, did i mention i'm currently sporting a moustache?
saw some great films, including sin embargo(it means nevertheless, but it's a play on words about the bricolage found in cuba since the embargo), estamos aqui (about the latin diaspara in delaware) (some of) when the levees broke (spike lee's a madman, but i wanna finish watching this and it was cool to see terrance blanchard, one of my favorite contemporary jazz artists talking shit) born into brothels (still fucking with my head) and rewatched el espinazo del diablo (or "the devil's backbone" the only non-documentary, but foreign,i know, aren't i such a goddamn intellectual) since i'd been talking it up to the girl since i first dragged her to pan's labyrinth. and then, in the true fashion of post-camp return to stupidity, i went and saw the new harry potter movie, which wasn't all that impressive really. oh well. bye brain. see you next year.
i gotta make sure i keep the creativity rolling. i actually performed some of my poetry (shut up) at the festival and really kinda enjoy doing it with a mic, which i hadn't expected. i suppose now that i don't have the banjo and a job, i might have some free time.
also, the time has come. i must make a myspace page. it's necesary now because a bunch of the writers wanna keep in touch since we're so spread out and post shit and now i gotta and its sad and an end of an era and i hope my devoted followers and weekly readers don't lose too much respect for me. i am to remain malleable if i am to survive. so. any suggestions for starting out on that hellhole?
anyway, i'm back in ohio, i'm glad to be with her, but i miss my common grounders, i miss my city, and ohio blows. now i have to start saying pop again. damnit.
so here it is, your moment of zen
ps. if you have any interest, here is the web address to what i've been talking about common ground. it may sound like crap, and lord knows the website could use some work, but if it interests you at all, please ask questions of myself, girlysound, and morgan who have all attended. it's basically a place where you can take classes for music and arts, but its a lot more than that. it is everything it claims to be and more.
le sigh
How was camping sucka?
good seeing you again