and now, some lists.
still no word on the living situation. i've found a couple possibilities so we'll see. the trick is finding a place that is a) ridiculously cheap
b) close to either work or the woman, preferably the woman
c) does not require a year lease
i'm very excited about going back home in february. it will be a return covered in awesome sauce that i'm looking forward to mostly because
a) the last trip contained some really great times that actually made me miss baltimore
b) i will get to hang out with some people that i haven't seen for many a month and miss very much
c) i get to finally meet all the charm city sg members that i've been missing out on
d) its my mommy's birthday
e) i finally get to show off baltimore to my lover and show my lover off to baltimore
i need a smoothie, bitches. and this post will not be finished until i get one. in the meantime, do you have an stories/poems/songs/pictures/etc for indigo? if so do tell. also my roomate just walked in to see my cock in my girlfriend's hands. reason b for getting a smoothie
ok. now that that is done with.
twilight princess on the wii is my true mother. i have been suckling at her teet and have reached my full for tonight. so before i pass out i will shorten my planned rant to just an idea.
when i was younger, i sought liberal friends because i believed that they were more open minded. over the past few years i have noticed a growing trend to disprove this theory. maybe its not growing. maybe its always been there and its just a 20-something issue. but honestly, i am sick and tired of my close-minded liberal friends. i am tired of being grossly insulted and made a fool of for
a) having christian beliefs even a hair past agnosticism
b) not hating bush and thinking he's a COMPLETE fucking idiot
c) believing in several other things that i can't even talk about HERE for fear of alienating/pissing off/getting e-gnored by friends online
i enjoy the daily show. but people, its not the holy word and john stewart is not a god. it's frickin hilarious but it's uber-biased and if you're going to get into a political debate with me, cite a source outside of comedy central. there is news on other channels.
there's a often difference between christians, and people who think that they are better than everyone else and need to impart their ideas on yours. yes it happens. every religion has its assholes (see 9/11). however, what most non-christians don't seem to understand is that if your christian friend won't seem to shut up about god around you and keep trying anything to inspire belief or faith in you, it's probably not because they are a cock, or think that they are superior, its because they care about you. they want you to go to the same heaven-y place that they are hoping to go to. they want you to have the same comfort to fall back on. so please people. no matter how drunk they are, try and humor them.
by the way, totally different direction, but did anyone watch the same taping of the state of the union where it cut from bush to condy giving a very accurate donnie darko impression? i jumped. seriously.
i made my girlfriend read the story of O and some fierce but wonderful debates have sprung forth. and i also rediscovered one of my old poetry/short fiction anthologies from college and it is like screwing an ex from years past where you have both grown and gotten smaller in some places and larger in others and you've picked up many new tricks and are eager to share them with her and you don't know if it was always this good and you were just an idiot, or if it has gotten better because you are a grown man now and appreciate it more and understand it more love it more and you never ever sat and just held it for this long, studied it with such care and respect or looked at it so longingly and neither of you can believe how much longer the whole session is until finally you collapse because there's just nothing more to be done and you are covered in its essence and your essence and the taste of the two is so sweet and you won't stop smiling until you drift into a well deserved and satisfying sleep.............
just reminding you: indigo. go back to the beginning if you forgot what that means.
edited to add a recomendation and pictures.
first of all, go see pan's labyrinth. it is fucking fantastic.
and now, as promised some pictures

she overuses that

see? i'm so much better at it then her anyway

contrary to popular belief, neither us us have ingested any drugs, whatsoever

2 fast, 2 furious
still no word on the living situation. i've found a couple possibilities so we'll see. the trick is finding a place that is a) ridiculously cheap
b) close to either work or the woman, preferably the woman
c) does not require a year lease
i'm very excited about going back home in february. it will be a return covered in awesome sauce that i'm looking forward to mostly because
a) the last trip contained some really great times that actually made me miss baltimore
b) i will get to hang out with some people that i haven't seen for many a month and miss very much
c) i get to finally meet all the charm city sg members that i've been missing out on
d) its my mommy's birthday
e) i finally get to show off baltimore to my lover and show my lover off to baltimore
i need a smoothie, bitches. and this post will not be finished until i get one. in the meantime, do you have an stories/poems/songs/pictures/etc for indigo? if so do tell. also my roomate just walked in to see my cock in my girlfriend's hands. reason b for getting a smoothie
ok. now that that is done with.
twilight princess on the wii is my true mother. i have been suckling at her teet and have reached my full for tonight. so before i pass out i will shorten my planned rant to just an idea.
when i was younger, i sought liberal friends because i believed that they were more open minded. over the past few years i have noticed a growing trend to disprove this theory. maybe its not growing. maybe its always been there and its just a 20-something issue. but honestly, i am sick and tired of my close-minded liberal friends. i am tired of being grossly insulted and made a fool of for
a) having christian beliefs even a hair past agnosticism
b) not hating bush and thinking he's a COMPLETE fucking idiot
c) believing in several other things that i can't even talk about HERE for fear of alienating/pissing off/getting e-gnored by friends online
i enjoy the daily show. but people, its not the holy word and john stewart is not a god. it's frickin hilarious but it's uber-biased and if you're going to get into a political debate with me, cite a source outside of comedy central. there is news on other channels.
there's a often difference between christians, and people who think that they are better than everyone else and need to impart their ideas on yours. yes it happens. every religion has its assholes (see 9/11). however, what most non-christians don't seem to understand is that if your christian friend won't seem to shut up about god around you and keep trying anything to inspire belief or faith in you, it's probably not because they are a cock, or think that they are superior, its because they care about you. they want you to go to the same heaven-y place that they are hoping to go to. they want you to have the same comfort to fall back on. so please people. no matter how drunk they are, try and humor them.
by the way, totally different direction, but did anyone watch the same taping of the state of the union where it cut from bush to condy giving a very accurate donnie darko impression? i jumped. seriously.
i made my girlfriend read the story of O and some fierce but wonderful debates have sprung forth. and i also rediscovered one of my old poetry/short fiction anthologies from college and it is like screwing an ex from years past where you have both grown and gotten smaller in some places and larger in others and you've picked up many new tricks and are eager to share them with her and you don't know if it was always this good and you were just an idiot, or if it has gotten better because you are a grown man now and appreciate it more and understand it more love it more and you never ever sat and just held it for this long, studied it with such care and respect or looked at it so longingly and neither of you can believe how much longer the whole session is until finally you collapse because there's just nothing more to be done and you are covered in its essence and your essence and the taste of the two is so sweet and you won't stop smiling until you drift into a well deserved and satisfying sleep.............
just reminding you: indigo. go back to the beginning if you forgot what that means.
edited to add a recomendation and pictures.
first of all, go see pan's labyrinth. it is fucking fantastic.
and now, as promised some pictures

she overuses that

see? i'm so much better at it then her anyway

contrary to popular belief, neither us us have ingested any drugs, whatsoever

2 fast, 2 furious
Oh, you're so sexy when you're angry!
also.......thanks.....the service did them justice, and they are at peace now.