OMG. I like, totes forgot about this website. Errr, hey. How, ah, how's it going? Updates, yeah, mmkay.
- I am a certified EMT. I am waiting for my current city to open up an academy, while trying to find a PT job with one of the private companies. Groans, children. Groans.
-I got a Droid phone. Shut up. It was free. And the "app"...
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- I am a certified EMT. I am waiting for my current city to open up an academy, while trying to find a PT job with one of the private companies. Groans, children. Groans.
-I got a Droid phone. Shut up. It was free. And the "app"...
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OK! My internet is back in action. My apologies to yall for falling out of touch, but I can't get online at work, and going through the explanation of SG to other people is just, difficult, I suppose, because I don't really look at sets anymore. I stay for a few of the groups, and some of the conversation, though the vast majority of the...
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Good to hear from ya! Take care of that face! 

I know what you mean. I remember asking my boss if I could go on SG at work if I'm not looking at sets, but just on the journals and forums. I wouldn't have in a normal work environment, but my boss and I are friends, and since I work at a gay community center and we've actually had trainings that involved watching lots of porn and discussing it afterwards... I thought things might be a little more liberal. But nope. He said, "If it's a porn site, then you can't go on it here." And I guess that makes sense, in the interest of not making anyone uncomfortable, but yeah, SG is different because if you're an old member, you probably rarely look at the sets anyhow. Also, I used to be able to go on at the library and I can't anymore.
Just got back from my second ride-along. I . . . do not like drive-by's. 10 year old girls wearing "I <3 Vampires" bracelets shouldn't get shot. Not fair.
Also, despite the fact I'm now nursing Jameson (rocks, if that helps), I'm also gonna say that alcohol is a really awful thing. I know I'll be angry at myself later for saying that, but between...
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Also, despite the fact I'm now nursing Jameson (rocks, if that helps), I'm also gonna say that alcohol is a really awful thing. I know I'll be angry at myself later for saying that, but between...
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jaimito! <3
Whoa, no joke huh. Is that how life is going out there?
I "killed" a patient tonight in a practical exercise for a fake motor vehicle collision. I triaged her as "good as dead," but I didn't try and mover her first. I was pulled aside afterwards and told that if I had, she'd have died, so I did the right thing, according to one of the other EMT's. That made me feel a little better.
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good luck! 

Do it. Lists help me.
Ugh. Just need to vent this out for a bit. The past few weeks in class have been nothing but review over material specifically relating to rape, dead babies, and child abuse. Why do I know more about this shit than my classmates? I dunno. But I keep my mouth shout, for the first time since class started, and pretend that I don't, I don't...
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Transfered my account. Just sayin.
What I meant to say was.....a very small brush.

I uploaded the pictures. I'll put em up here and blog about em this weekend when I have some time. I should be sleeping right now, but I'm shaking and wired from an e-mail I just read. So I'm just gonna rap for a bit, k?
Since I was a little kid, whenever someone in my life died, be it family or friend, I usually...
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Since I was a little kid, whenever someone in my life died, be it family or friend, I usually...
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maybe you shouldn't go chasing after suicidegirls. 
seriously though- unwarranted fuck you emails say a lot about a person. you shouldn't take them to heart. all it does is say that the relationship being over is the way it should be.
there's really no perfect way to get over someone. it just happens over time. or rather, it lessens. i think you'll always carry a part of them with you. personally i think one should embrace the pain, acknowledge it, and just do their damndest to get through each day as best as they can. and every day it'll get a little easier. and then years down the line you can look at it objectively. really all it boils down to is breaking the neurological pathways in your brain pertaining to that person. and in the same way that a body heals, your brain will eventually retrain itself to not think a certain way.
if it's any consolation, i'm dealing with drama because several of my exes friends told him that they wanted to stay friends with me. he's been fighting with them over it. like, dude, grow up. we're all adults here, and we spent all this time together, what did you expect to happen? i have not made any attempts to contact him in any way. i have not brought one iota of drama into his life. so all this attitude is telling me is that he's a big crybaby whiner, and i'm better off without him. (this coming from a man who had his next girlfriend on deck before he even dumped me! puh-lease!) some people are just selfish and immature.
anyway, this got wordy real fast. hang in there darlin. and seriously... watch out for those sg's.

seriously though- unwarranted fuck you emails say a lot about a person. you shouldn't take them to heart. all it does is say that the relationship being over is the way it should be.
there's really no perfect way to get over someone. it just happens over time. or rather, it lessens. i think you'll always carry a part of them with you. personally i think one should embrace the pain, acknowledge it, and just do their damndest to get through each day as best as they can. and every day it'll get a little easier. and then years down the line you can look at it objectively. really all it boils down to is breaking the neurological pathways in your brain pertaining to that person. and in the same way that a body heals, your brain will eventually retrain itself to not think a certain way.
if it's any consolation, i'm dealing with drama because several of my exes friends told him that they wanted to stay friends with me. he's been fighting with them over it. like, dude, grow up. we're all adults here, and we spent all this time together, what did you expect to happen? i have not made any attempts to contact him in any way. i have not brought one iota of drama into his life. so all this attitude is telling me is that he's a big crybaby whiner, and i'm better off without him. (this coming from a man who had his next girlfriend on deck before he even dumped me! puh-lease!) some people are just selfish and immature.
anyway, this got wordy real fast. hang in there darlin. and seriously... watch out for those sg's.

like i said, i wish i had advice. which is to say i dont. and seriously, considering my own M.O. at this point is to not do anything at all, im the last person who anyone should ask for advice in the first place.
February wasn't done. I just found out I lost my favorite patient in all my years at my job a few days after my niece died. Go you. RIP Sam. His family has been in contact, but I don't know quite what to say. Apparently he spoke highly of me?
I will post some pics from my little getaway soon. Meantime, I'm just having myself...
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I will post some pics from my little getaway soon. Meantime, I'm just having myself...
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left for dead reminds me of an ex too, but it's been so long it isn't painful to think about lol.
yeah he was definitely on top. tee hee
if i had known i was giving him a hickey, i wouldn't have! we're not teenagers anymore. i feel ridiculous!
yeah he was definitely on top. tee hee

if i had known i was giving him a hickey, i wouldn't have! we're not teenagers anymore. i feel ridiculous!
I will.
You planning on being at ECC this year?

Thank you all for your well wishes. My family is recovering as best as they can. That's sort of what we do best, and my nephew is already showing promise of becoming the best of us, winning awards for saying things that made us all laugh and cry simultaneously. He's a good kid.
This class has been kicking my ass, but I have in turn...
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This class has been kicking my ass, but I have in turn...
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I should have known.
Facebox, you's like the cooler version of Facebook. OR it just sounds cooler anyway!

Fuck hope. I tried. I tried to enjoy and even have more fun than usual.
Fuck this month and it's supernatural ability to take away life.
I don't wanna talk about it. I just needed to write this.
So please, if you pray, just pray for lost souls, and hug the ones you love.
Fuck this month and it's supernatural ability to take away life.
I don't wanna talk about it. I just needed to write this.
So please, if you pray, just pray for lost souls, and hug the ones you love.
Whaaat? New Joanna??
I'm off to find this right away!
And also, if I were near by I'd give you a super large hug.
I hope you start to feel at least a little better about whatever made you write this.

And also, if I were near by I'd give you a super large hug.

ps. How close is where you're at to Philly?
Hi friends. Hold me. Here comes February.
There is nothing in this world that scares me more than February. That is because just about every bad thing that has ever happened in my life or to the folks I care about has happened in February. Cancer, overdoses, suicides, heartbreaks, hospitals, deaths, breakups, bad breakups, the breakup, deaths, cancer, suicide attempts, cancer, death, and so on...
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There is nothing in this world that scares me more than February. That is because just about every bad thing that has ever happened in my life or to the folks I care about has happened in February. Cancer, overdoses, suicides, heartbreaks, hospitals, deaths, breakups, bad breakups, the breakup, deaths, cancer, suicide attempts, cancer, death, and so on...
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So, I am meeting people for dinner/drinks at the mid east around 7:30 or so. Then later on (10ish) I'm aheaded to some crazy birthday party with a zydeco band. I know you have plans Friday, but if you can make it to either of those it would be awesome.
Hope all is well!
So, I am meeting people for dinner/drinks at the mid east around 7:30 or so. Then later on (10ish) I'm aheaded to some crazy birthday party with a zydeco band. I know you have plans Friday, but if you can make it to either of those it would be awesome.
Hope all is well!
Hah hah. Glad that wasn't painful for you. That Black Sabbath cover made the whole night worth it.
I am busily brainstorming ideas for my furry persona. I'm thinking some sort of crazy space fox with ninja skills.
I am busily brainstorming ideas for my furry persona. I'm thinking some sort of crazy space fox with ninja skills.

So yeah.
Good to hear from you and see you seem to be doing well.