Having had roommates for the last 6 years, I decided to get my own place. One reason was a lack of privacy, another was the need for a garage, but a messy break-up with my now ex-girlfriend was the final straw. While we didn't live together, she was the insparation for my exodus. Everyone goes through a self-evaluation when ending something like that, however instead of dwelling on the past and sinking into depression I found out what I really wunted. She on the other hand lost her job, can't pay her bills, and from what everyone tells me "looks terrible"(hehehe).
As for my new house, It's freakin awsome. The first thing I did was walk into ketchin butt ass naked and cooked myself dinner. All of lifes little pleasures pale in compairson to the ability to sun-tan naked. I think I'll become a nudist!
As for my new house, It's freakin awsome. The first thing I did was walk into ketchin butt ass naked and cooked myself dinner. All of lifes little pleasures pale in compairson to the ability to sun-tan naked. I think I'll become a nudist!
You enjoy your new nudist tendancies.