Jeff Franklin Ruined My Life......
I know you grew up watching Jeff's heartwarming, family orientated shows like "Step-By-Step" or "Family Matters"and who could forget the most infamously inaccurate portrayal of real life "Full House". Many of us can still hum the theme song or even sing a few words. Pretty impressive for a show many of us watched in our pre-teens. As a staple of...
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I know you grew up watching Jeff's heartwarming, family orientated shows like "Step-By-Step" or "Family Matters"and who could forget the most infamously inaccurate portrayal of real life "Full House". Many of us can still hum the theme song or even sing a few words. Pretty impressive for a show many of us watched in our pre-teens. As a staple of...
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Having had roommates for the last 6 years, I decided to get my own place. One reason was a lack of privacy, another was the need for a garage, but a messy break-up with my now ex-girlfriend was the final straw. While we didn't live together, she was the insparation for my exodus. Everyone goes through a self-evaluation when ending something like that, however instead...
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Thank you for the sweet comment on my set.
You enjoy your new nudist tendancies.

You enjoy your new nudist tendancies.
Haha, not planning on it anytime soon!
Well Happy New Year. I don't remember much of it, just some random images of the limo bus and picking up strangers to party with. I hope there's still some jager left in this town.
yea, i ate them. hehe. actually they all moved away after summer was over (to college).
"In Modern Conversation the first person to breathe, is by default, the listener"
What is that from?
I don't remember where I first heard it, I do know it changed the way I converse with everyone. Instead of "he who talks loudest" I made an effort to start listening.