I'm not sure how it works in other countries, but in the UK, MPs (Members of Parliament) can claim expenses on ridiculous things, things like 2nd homes, travel and upkeep, while the rest of us have to pay for those things out of our own wages. It's basically completely open for corruption and the committee that decides punishments for anyone who abuses the system is run by MPs...
Our Culture Secretary Maria Miller claimed £90,718 in expenses over four years, which to me is more proof that some politicians are only in it for money. A government's one and only aim should be to better the lives and protect it's citizens, not take advantage of them. As punishment she had to pay £5,800 of it back and apologies to parliament.
She should be forced to sit down in a room with people like us, and ask us about our hopes, our ambitions, how we get by, what we want to do with our lives and how we plan on paying for it. Realise that for me, and thousands of other people, £90,718 is more than six years wages, assuming we don't pay any form of tax or national insurance, or contribute to our pensions. And I don't have anything close to a sob story, I have a supportive family and vaguely manageable debts. There's people who work 50+ hour weeks, work multiple job just to support their family and pay their way, and contribute to society. Not just leach from the people they should be there to serve. Anyone who swindles their expenses in public office should be forced to live like the rest of us for a few years, then serve several years in jail. Animals.
Fucking disgusting.