Right, I'm turning to the internet to rant, because I'm too much of a pussy to make my own decision and take ownership of it. I've got to that stage where I hate my job, but if I stick at it, I can forge a decent career and make good money in the future. I think the main reason I hate my job is my dickhead boss and the shit company I work for, so moving to a different company is the obvious answer, but that's easier said than done.
The other option is to try and figure out what my dream job is, or what job I think I'll enjoy a little bit, and do that instead. It's easy to say 'chase the dream', but the reality is usually shit pay and a lot of hard work. I'm not adverse to either of those two things, but if it doesn't work out, and at some point you have people dependant on you, you're basically fucked.
What's a man to do? Shit, don't tell me.