- on Songs that make you cry? in music
- on kitaen's page
- on Based on their profile pic, what is the person above you THINKING? in silliness
- on Random "facts" about the silly above you in silliness
- on Snapchat Anyone? in hook-up
- on scarletash's post on halfbakedgreek's page
So I've just watched a live video of Springsteen performing 'Thunder Road', and I started fucking crying. I've seen him live twice, watched his videos hundreds of times, but today it got me, maybe I'm on my meriod or some deep shits about to drop in my life, but fuck, he caught me. I urge you all to get on YouTube ASAP.
Big love.
That school report, yeah, pretty much sums it all up.
Right, I'm turning to the internet to rant, because I'm too much of a pussy to make my own decision and take ownership of it. I've got to that stage where I hate my job, but if I stick at it, I can forge a decent career and make good money in the future. I think the main reason I hate my job is my...
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So I lost my shit this morning, and it hasn't got any better throughout the day, I think I'm just getting to grips with things now.
It was a pretty innocuous start, my friend mentioned me in a Tweet about Biggy Smalls, that's what kicked it off. Spurred on by the tweet, I did a Wikipedia search to learn more, that's when it fucking hit...
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So this is sick as fuck. In American Football training yesterday we basically rein-acted the Thunderdrome from Mad Max. Fully kitted up, the defensive team formed a circle, two men entered, one man left. We had to wrestler in our gear, first to push their opponent out of the circle or floor them won, winner stays on, and someone else entered. Brutal.
I watched for...
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So, I've managed to keep this blog going for a record amount of time, which in itself is a worthy post.
I've been trying to get more involved on this site with mixed success. I'm slowly following more people, trying to comment on things and have posted pictures, so far, so good. But I still feel like a massive newbie!
This week I got back...
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I'm sure this isn't a unique thought, it's probably been vocalised on here a million times, but fuck it, it's my turn.
Going to work has never felt right to me. The concept has never really sat comfortably for me at all. Now I've had a job since I was 13, I'm 24 now, so I've been working in one way or another for 11...
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A once in a life time football match, a delayed flight, beer, food, more beer and food, wine, some awesome parks and one sick city. Some pics from my recent trip.
Ok, so I admit it, I really fucked up this time. I'm going to blame it on the rush I was in and the fact I had a million things going through my mind, but last night, I replaced the toilet roll (do you Americans call it that as well?) and I put it the wrong way round, so the en was hanging against the...
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Kept this going for two whole blogs now, which is some kind of record.
I think my main problem is, I never think I've got anything much to write about, I don't have any specialist knowledge and I live a pretty standard life, who the fuck wants to read about that? I kept a blog going for just over a month when I went travelling,...
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From my Instagram nick_greek, shameless plug there.