Larae we all wana c ur cool pics, but from here all i c r red "x"'s in tiny boxes. U need to upload them in2 ur "PICS" page.
-+~<{[It's No Sweat]}>~+-
Note: after you upload pic in to pic folder, open pic like normal. Then right click on pic and select properties. Highlight pic http address and copy. Goto "update journal" Select Image button. Paste http address in "image address box".
Here's my plug, dad has gotten me in the mood for saving the environment again, that's what you get when your father is a zoologist and ornithologist who spends more than half his time in the rainforest (or sometimes the artic!), so without further ado ....
Save the Artic Refuge
baby animals will cry if you don't
And while your at it, adopt a... Read More
Worst night of sleep ever! must nap ... and I've found out I'm allergic to down, not helpful when one is trying to stay warm in the artic.
And on a lighter note, my english prof is insane, I can't even stand to listen to him.
Whole Food (tm) has tasty frozen pasta discs made of tri-colored pasta strips wrapped around ricotto (Italian for cottage cheese) and vegies called a Veggie Rotolo. I bet that would go good with pork chops.
Just like a buzz cut its easy to make and it looks cool.
How does a girl spawned from a physicist and a zoologist have so much trouble grasping astronomy?!?!? Ack, the frustration! At least I still have Sherlock Holmes to comfort me ...
The best part about astronomy is that you can work when the lights are out and you always have an excuse for meeting at 2 AM. Thats when its time to look at the nearby heavenly body. Male / Female pair observation teams get the best results. That usually worked for me. Looking for objects in night sky can pass as outdoor entertainment even if the city street lights are too bright to see stars.
-+~<{[It's No Sweat]}>~+-
Note: after you upload pic in to pic folder, open pic like normal. Then right click on pic and select properties. Highlight pic http address and copy. Goto "update journal" Select Image button. Paste http address in "image address box".
[Edited on Jan 24, 2005 8:33PM]