Last nite was shitty. It was the first time I felt out of place in so long.I am not used to being with someone who has such a huge family, and I guess that sometimes it isn't always going to be roses.We went to his family clambake.I simply had a cople of things occur that made me feel bad.Someone brought up my past, when I was obese, and talked about it as if it was a funny thing.His son and I went to school together, and basically just belittled me about it.I was kinda shocked at what he said, and the repetition of it.In my head I was saying,"OK, I get the fucking point,yeah I was really fat." I guess the whole idea of fat people is just funny to some. All I could do is drink more and avoid the person.
I guess I should just let go of it, and move on.I worked very hard to let go of old feelings, and I have realized that there will be times in my life where I am remembered as I used to be, but you would not believe some of the things people say to me about when I was fat.Ironically, 90% of the worst comments came from women.I am glad I have Stirfry in my life, because I have seen life through very different eyes having a male be my best friend
I guess I should just let go of it, and move on.I worked very hard to let go of old feelings, and I have realized that there will be times in my life where I am remembered as I used to be, but you would not believe some of the things people say to me about when I was fat.Ironically, 90% of the worst comments came from women.I am glad I have Stirfry in my life, because I have seen life through very different eyes having a male be my best friend
woah...thats fucked up! it baffles me why people bring that kinda shit up when its in the past, i mean whats the purpose of that! it sounds like you are a pretty strong person & have a pretty good head on your shoulders to tolerate that...i envy you! and you have the BEST best friend anybody could have!