Hey guys,
So I´m starting 2019 with two brand new sets 🤩 and one deleted Instagram account. 😢
I don´t know what happend, I guess the Insta Gestapo spotted a nipple or something LOL!
But I´m not gonna let that put me down! We know the risks of working with prude social media platforms.
Anyway, I´ve got a new Insta account up and running so if you want to get your daily dose of sexy cheekiness be sure to follow me on my new page! And girls, if you would be so kind to give me a shoutout, that would be awesome! 💕
Shit happens, back to work!
ps. Here´s a pic of me being sad.

@turtle Noooo!! Sucks ass! Maar komt wel goed, schat. 💕

Anyone that makes you sad needs to be punched cause you have such an amazing smile😍