So, a couple of days ago I am making lasanga because I am starving, and there's nothing else in the house to make. When it's done, I take it out of the oven, cut myself a slice and carry it into the living room, so I can watch tv and eat. On my trip to the living room one of my cats gets under foot and I end up dropping the hot lasanga all over my bare leg and the floor. Needless to say, I burned the hell out of my leg. When I went to bed that night the burn was justl red and swollen. So the next day I wake up and there are huge blisters on my leg that weren't there the night before! I mean Huge blisters, like the size of large jelly beans!! It was so gross! I didn't notice them right away, but when I did, I freaked right the fuck out! Next thing I did, yep you guessed it, I had to lance the blisters and watch all this gross yellow puss ooze out.
Next I cleaned them out real good with anti-bacterial soap and put some stuff I had for burns on it! It was the nastiest thing I think I ever saw!!!!

I'll be visiting my hometown in the northwestern part of Illinois not horribly far from Rockford/Beloit.