Hello everyone...I am new to this site, as well as making public journal entries..so bare with me
My mom emailed me a couple days ago, all excited, because she got me my birthday present. She wanted me to come over asap, so I can get it...the funny thing being that my birthday isn't until October! She's like that though, she gets all excited when she has a chance to do something nice for someone she loves. I am like that too, I guess. So, anyways, I go over there today and she surprises me with this really nice leather jacket! Woot!!! I am so excited, because I have been bitching for like forever, that I want a leather jacket, but can never afford one! Yay!! I was so happy, I had to put it on right away, even though it was like 90 degrees...I just couldn't wait! So that was my happiness for today
Oh, and I also got to see my little brother..which is always good thing. We are really close even though he is 10 years younger than me. He always has to rub it in that he is only 11 yrs. old and taller than me...but that is ok, because I can still beat his ass , lol! Well, I guess that is about all for today, I think....hopefully I didn't do too horrible for my first journal entry

My mom emailed me a couple days ago, all excited, because she got me my birthday present. She wanted me to come over asap, so I can get it...the funny thing being that my birthday isn't until October! She's like that though, she gets all excited when she has a chance to do something nice for someone she loves. I am like that too, I guess. So, anyways, I go over there today and she surprises me with this really nice leather jacket! Woot!!! I am so excited, because I have been bitching for like forever, that I want a leather jacket, but can never afford one! Yay!! I was so happy, I had to put it on right away, even though it was like 90 degrees...I just couldn't wait! So that was my happiness for today

"Scony", huh,....never heard of that one before. Well, they say that you should learn something new every day....so that was my new thing to learn. Now I don't have to bother trying to learn anything else for the whole day (not that I really do anyways )
Glad my journal entry wasn't too awful!
Um, no.