Hey SGland 💕
Today I'm here to tell you how the last weeks have passed.
Some of you already know but the work on digital platforms is not the only one I do, I live in Brazil and to be able to progress is a lot of work.
This year I had to accept a face-to-face job thinking about the best for my family, I currently work as a waitress in an Italian food restaurant. I had worked in this function before, so I already have previous experiences, I have ease with customer service to the public. With this new cycle my time has been a little scarce, I have been working a lot and I have left the networks in the background, but I do not want it to be like this, art has always been present in my life and I believe that it is an eternal bond, if I do not make art, I will not feel complete.
This week something happened that made me very excited, my next set, by the hands of @babu was accepted and in a few months it will be available for member review 😍
I am very looking forward to this moment, really, this set brought a light to these days that seem monotonous and infinite. It was an extra incentive for me to continue my work here on the site, so that I can work with something I really like. And for you who have read so far, I will leave a spoiler of this set that is wonderful 😍
Xoxo Hari B 💕
Obrigada por compartilhar esse post com a gente. Vc é maravilhosa, pela prévia o set ta lindo demais e tenho certeza que você vai pinkar🩷💕
I have been wondering ever since I signed back up after nearly two decades away, if I really should stay - because I have far less interest in the "sexy" platform and admiring beautiful women - I much more seek out depth. Connecting with the art and lives of real, uninhibited and interesting people. I have not seen that much so far, and do not chase interaction - SO THANK YOU for being such a shining example of what I missed about this place.