Things are getting better:
I found a job beginning on September with my former "employeur", i'm really relieved i was fearing never to find one.
That's leave me three month to rest before.
I'm still very worried about my dear friend: i still have no news of her, i hope she's no more ill and that she could have came back in Canada, but i'm not sure, her being far from a computer isn'nt a good sign.
Today is the 6th june, 60th anniversary from operation Overlord in normandie, there's a special event on tv: it was a great d-day!
I woke very late during afternoon at three, but i spended the whole night with a friend playing role game in an association, i got a little fun^^
Today is a Strange Day, i don't know who i am....I still have panic attack
I found a job beginning on September with my former "employeur", i'm really relieved i was fearing never to find one.
That's leave me three month to rest before.
I'm still very worried about my dear friend: i still have no news of her, i hope she's no more ill and that she could have came back in Canada, but i'm not sure, her being far from a computer isn'nt a good sign.
Today is the 6th june, 60th anniversary from operation Overlord in normandie, there's a special event on tv: it was a great d-day!
I woke very late during afternoon at three, but i spended the whole night with a friend playing role game in an association, i got a little fun^^
Today is a Strange Day, i don't know who i am....I still have panic attack
i hope your friend is ok but if she went to a nunnery to heal like you said she won't have much acces to modern things like internet i think.
I received mails from my dear friend Siouxie
But anyway she's alive and she wrote to me. I send her via interflora roses to her: two ones with a ribbons^^ i hope she 'll appreciate.
Tomorrow i have to go to north suburbs of Paris seing my former and future "employeur" to speak with him about a job for me starting in september with half time: that will be fine for me because my health isn'nt very good. But i'm kind of anxious to work again after one year being ill....i suppose things will goes well, i hope^^
i'm so glad my friend is alive and wote me
Last tuesday i saw TROIE in a cinema with a friend, it wasn'nt as good as i hoped, missing mythology part for me. But the fight were really well made!
bye ~S~