When i told you i was so Unlucky:
Beside the fact i broke one toe and my friend won't came in hollydays with me, today, at work, i had my jacket stolen with my iPod, my train Mensual coupons and ALL the KEYS of the SHOP and HOME....
So we had to call insurrance for making changing all the lock from my home and the armored door of the shop...My father don't talk me anymore, as if "things" never happened to him and i have Friday, back at work to make a declaration to the police because of the theft...
My jacket was inside the back of the shop hanged on a window protected by double line of irons bars and they achieve to pass the arm trough to stole my jacket!
So see, i'm unlucky! i wish now i could proove i am very kind too as i declare before^^
Well, i can't sleep now, i feel no more secure at home and a little bit traumatized...
Morever my hollydays which should have been in august could be reported to 11th of.....There is 14 months i work with only five days of rest at Xmas and i really need a pause, i'm not sure i could wait again half august.
Life is so beautyfull, why is that so shitty sometimes? i don't understand these assholes who do these things, why don't they try to improve their own special skill and proove they are neat instead of taking the easy way and live under the back of good peoples....
I have many more questions to ask inside my head, but i prefer stop there
Beside the fact i broke one toe and my friend won't came in hollydays with me, today, at work, i had my jacket stolen with my iPod, my train Mensual coupons and ALL the KEYS of the SHOP and HOME....
So we had to call insurrance for making changing all the lock from my home and the armored door of the shop...My father don't talk me anymore, as if "things" never happened to him and i have Friday, back at work to make a declaration to the police because of the theft...
My jacket was inside the back of the shop hanged on a window protected by double line of irons bars and they achieve to pass the arm trough to stole my jacket!
So see, i'm unlucky! i wish now i could proove i am very kind too as i declare before^^
Well, i can't sleep now, i feel no more secure at home and a little bit traumatized...
Morever my hollydays which should have been in august could be reported to 11th of.....There is 14 months i work with only five days of rest at Xmas and i really need a pause, i'm not sure i could wait again half august.
Life is so beautyfull, why is that so shitty sometimes? i don't understand these assholes who do these things, why don't they try to improve their own special skill and proove they are neat instead of taking the easy way and live under the back of good peoples....
I have many more questions to ask inside my head, but i prefer stop there
j'espre que le courant va vite tourner pour toi.
tu le mrites. le sors ne peut pas s'acharner comme a sur quelqu'un tout le temps, ce n'est pas possible. a doit changer. il te faut vraiment une bonne pause, c'est clair.
je suis dsole d'avoir mis certains mots dans le groupe sg france, dans le toppic amour vrai. je pensais toi, et je savais que tu allais lire. je t'ai toujours dit d'y croire. il le faut. je le crois pour toi, mais pas pour moi. voil. excuses moi si certains propos t'on bless. je tenais te le dire, parce que toi c'est diffrent. les histoires sont tellement communes parfois, et tellement diffrentes aussi. bref, chacun son histoire...
tu sais devenir sg pour moi, ce n'est pas une priorit. c'ets plus un challenge. le jour o il sera ralis, il faudra que je m'en trouve un autre. alors peut-tre que c'est mieux ainsi.
merci en tout cas pour ta gentillesse