wow, it's been forever since i've updated this fucking thing. Not that it matters. I've become fairly unsocial on this here thing. I rarely even look at the sets that come up here at all anymore. Why am I still on here you (whoever you are) may be asking? I suppose because I'm still holding onto the hope that oneday fate or whatever will cause tryst to have an this overwhelming urge to move to seattle and meet this jackass. One can dream, one can dream.
Which is what I'm about to do shortly. But first a breif update for those of you (again, whoever you are). I started my third quarter of school today, and somehow managed to sleep through and not actually make there. Oh well. There's always tomorrow. Work is going just dandy. I feel guilty, because I feel like I'm never getting as much done there as I should, but they assure me that I'm doing an awesome job. If they're happy, I'm happy. The band is doing spendidly. I don't know how we're getting the gigs we're getting, especially when we haven't sent out a single promo pack to promoters, but it is very nice. Maybe oneday, we'll decide to improve and become somewhat decent. maybe. But we're a punk band and what do you expect.
Well, that's just about enough typing for me. I've updated and embarassed myself, so my missions here have been met and accomplished.
now I sleep. please exit quietly.
Which is what I'm about to do shortly. But first a breif update for those of you (again, whoever you are). I started my third quarter of school today, and somehow managed to sleep through and not actually make there. Oh well. There's always tomorrow. Work is going just dandy. I feel guilty, because I feel like I'm never getting as much done there as I should, but they assure me that I'm doing an awesome job. If they're happy, I'm happy. The band is doing spendidly. I don't know how we're getting the gigs we're getting, especially when we haven't sent out a single promo pack to promoters, but it is very nice. Maybe oneday, we'll decide to improve and become somewhat decent. maybe. But we're a punk band and what do you expect.
Well, that's just about enough typing for me. I've updated and embarassed myself, so my missions here have been met and accomplished.
now I sleep. please exit quietly.
He starts talking about england coast lenght and then it come to abstract fractals. few maths, jst in the appendix!
see you