How is that I keep finding my way back here? I don't quite understand it myself, but I suppose the18 year old in me still loves internet porn. We must oblige these people at times I suppose.
Anyhoo, let's see....recap of what's been going on with me since my journal entry a year ago...Quit going to school, because found a job in the field I was going to school for; job going well and now I'm somehow one of the top operators at this job; band is going better than can be expected and hopefully even better in the upcoming months; moved up to capitol hill recently....not sure how this is going to turn out, but thankfully one of my favorite watering holes is a block away when I need it. I suppose that's a good enough recap as any.
Now, how are you?
Anyhoo, let's see....recap of what's been going on with me since my journal entry a year ago...Quit going to school, because found a job in the field I was going to school for; job going well and now I'm somehow one of the top operators at this job; band is going better than can be expected and hopefully even better in the upcoming months; moved up to capitol hill recently....not sure how this is going to turn out, but thankfully one of my favorite watering holes is a block away when I need it. I suppose that's a good enough recap as any.
Now, how are you?
happy birthday, young man!
how did you ramdomly find me... wierd.