some funny things today.
aaron gave me a ride home in the morning, and along the way we stopped off at a Food Lion. i picked up something east to make. he picked up something easy as well. then he noticed something. a special something.
a garden gnome.
i instantly fell in love with it. i called him Clark Kent and took him home with me.
i went to sleep as clark watched over me. soon, i awoke around 3pm and stumbled out the door to see that clark had made a friend. a stuffed snow man that the previous crack head roommate left behind. (i suspect Rob, a current roommate put him there) well... i dont want clark making friends with the wrong sort, and put the snow man in the blending machine (oooooh dont worry. i didnt turn it on). but he is there currently till one of the other roommates notices and sets the snowman free.
aaron gave me a ride home in the morning, and along the way we stopped off at a Food Lion. i picked up something east to make. he picked up something easy as well. then he noticed something. a special something.
a garden gnome.
i instantly fell in love with it. i called him Clark Kent and took him home with me.
i went to sleep as clark watched over me. soon, i awoke around 3pm and stumbled out the door to see that clark had made a friend. a stuffed snow man that the previous crack head roommate left behind. (i suspect Rob, a current roommate put him there) well... i dont want clark making friends with the wrong sort, and put the snow man in the blending machine (oooooh dont worry. i didnt turn it on). but he is there currently till one of the other roommates notices and sets the snowman free.
You mean like a wood chipper? Well, just don't put Steve Buscemi in there.
I've had a 2-year relationship and a 2.5 year relationship before. I know 6 months is a drop in the bucket, but it's still a happy day.