ive been worried about my friends in florida, and they just started evacuating people from ft. myers. *exactly where they live* so i text them up and try to figure out whats going on and they tell me
"oh yeah. thats just them exagerating. they are only evacuating those in moble homes - maybe the hurricane will fallow them!"
thats their reply. word for word. hahaha. i love them
im craving thai food like nothing else, and the local and best thai place doesnt start delivering till 4pm. fuckers! i want my food now! pizza is no substitue... and im way to lazy to walk anywhere today. last night i got back into the groove of martial arts. annnnd it was a bad idea. atleast to get into the depth of it as i did. i feel sore all over. haha. thanfully the roommates were grilling some delicious steaks and potatoes. oooooh man. it was quiet a welcome dinner.
i learned a magic trick, and if you ever meet up with me in life - ask me to preform it for you. seriously. its some cool shit. i love this magic junk
"oh yeah. thats just them exagerating. they are only evacuating those in moble homes - maybe the hurricane will fallow them!"
thats their reply. word for word. hahaha. i love them

im craving thai food like nothing else, and the local and best thai place doesnt start delivering till 4pm. fuckers! i want my food now! pizza is no substitue... and im way to lazy to walk anywhere today. last night i got back into the groove of martial arts. annnnd it was a bad idea. atleast to get into the depth of it as i did. i feel sore all over. haha. thanfully the roommates were grilling some delicious steaks and potatoes. oooooh man. it was quiet a welcome dinner.
i learned a magic trick, and if you ever meet up with me in life - ask me to preform it for you. seriously. its some cool shit. i love this magic junk
What kind of martial arts you into?