everyone has those moments when they think the lyrics of a song are talking to them about whats going on in their lives. you want to connect with something, and when it seems like its speaking to you - you cling to it. then you realize... oh.... its just a song... and tomarrow a different one may speak to me.
my friend dani said that i was one of the funniest (in personality) extroverts she has ever met. she told me that if i had a super power that it would probably be invisablity, and i cant argue. i love hanging with friends. and equally as much, i love to disapear and do whatever a Matt does while alone/invisible.
leos... we have funny little momments like that. the lone lion. or running in the pride.
my friend dani said that i was one of the funniest (in personality) extroverts she has ever met. she told me that if i had a super power that it would probably be invisablity, and i cant argue. i love hanging with friends. and equally as much, i love to disapear and do whatever a Matt does while alone/invisible.
leos... we have funny little momments like that. the lone lion. or running in the pride.
Sweets...words can't describe how scary it is. Have fun!