And then i have holidaying and moving to do.
Mayyybe going out in Preston tonight. If i can be bothered driving all the way there to have a sober night.
Im off to Blackpool this afternoon, the kiddies are all back at school, where they belong, so my local amenities are now slightly less cluttered with scumbag tourists!
Need to sort out my tax returns and i dont know where the tax office is...oh well.
Holiday in 3 days!
Hahah think i mentioned that already.

And then i have holidaying and moving to do.

Mayyybe going out in Preston tonight. If i can be bothered driving all the way there to have a sober night.
Im off to Blackpool this afternoon, the kiddies are all back at school, where they belong, so my local amenities are now slightly less cluttered with scumbag tourists!
Need to sort out my tax returns and i dont know where the tax office is...oh well.
Holiday in 3 days!
Hahah think i mentioned that already.