--> Hahaha Kareoke night was a scream.
--> I didnt sing...i think thats a good thing though.
--> I got a new watch and jumper yesterday.
--> Im going to see Fireapple Red on Wednesday...woop-woop!
I heart gigs at the Star and Garter soooo much, they're generally very D.I.Y.
--> Decided we might aswell move my shit up in one of the work vans, so i have to move a day early, on the Sunday, and thus will be able to go see Million Dead and GayForJohnnyDepp that night. YEY!
--> Im soooo gonna buy a zillion CDs this week, so much good stuff is coming out all at once at the minute. Bit like the bloody buses really.
--> Not that i use buses anyway.
--> Holiday in 11 days!
--> I didnt sing...i think thats a good thing though.

--> I got a new watch and jumper yesterday.
--> Im going to see Fireapple Red on Wednesday...woop-woop!

--> Decided we might aswell move my shit up in one of the work vans, so i have to move a day early, on the Sunday, and thus will be able to go see Million Dead and GayForJohnnyDepp that night. YEY!
--> Im soooo gonna buy a zillion CDs this week, so much good stuff is coming out all at once at the minute. Bit like the bloody buses really.
--> Not that i use buses anyway.
--> Holiday in 11 days!