Sold a fair few ices today, and had a fair few arguments with customers too. Hah. I am a baddie and have taken to parking in the hotel carpark opposite.
I am now a fully fledged member of Grosvenor Casinos, i have a card and everything.
I got an email today from a marine research foundation, inviting me to volunteer on one of their research vessels for 10 days. I was ever so excited, and thought i would make the perfect volunteer. Then i looked at their website and it turns out to cost nearly 600 to volunteer! That just doesnt make any sense to me. Oh well.
Haemo x x x.

Sold a fair few ices today, and had a fair few arguments with customers too. Hah. I am a baddie and have taken to parking in the hotel carpark opposite.
I am now a fully fledged member of Grosvenor Casinos, i have a card and everything.

I got an email today from a marine research foundation, inviting me to volunteer on one of their research vessels for 10 days. I was ever so excited, and thought i would make the perfect volunteer. Then i looked at their website and it turns out to cost nearly 600 to volunteer! That just doesnt make any sense to me. Oh well.

Haemo x x x.