I'm the candyfloss queen innit.
Yes, yesterday I made vast quantities of white fluffy candyfloss, I've never been paid to have so much fun!

Tea with Ray-chell last night was muchos funos, we had massive pizzas and watched Millionaire.

Tonight I'm going to Joannas to see Geminka for the last time till I come back from NZ in like 6 weeks!

I had been eyeing up the sugar-free sweeties in my shop recently, thinking they would be good for grazing on the plane. I looked at the back of the bag today and it said they can have laxative effect, and it's not recommended you eat more than 4 per day. I am VERY glad I saw that before I ended up with the shits on a 27 hour journey.
Off work tomo. I need to:
-->Take glasses back to Stringers
-->Order travellers cheques
-->Clean car in+out
-->Go to Matalan
-->See if grandmother has one of those head things for the plane.
I imagine I will lie in and maybe get 2 of those things done.
Evil mr __foreverlost__ says im sad for emailing him a lot. I think he ought to be a little more grateful of the

Haemo x x x.