hahaha well, we just burnt our oven down, and the firemen came, and a couple of them actually were quite hot. still didnt make up for being jerked awake at 3.20am to stand outside for 15 mins. grumblegrumble. ah well, so now we have one frikkin oven for 12 frikkin people. im kinda angry now, my expression is kinda like this:--
well anyway i figured now was a good time to write some stuff, urr...yeah.
~my big purple dolphin lolly is almost all gone.
~i voted the very lovely/very hawt jamie mchale for qm president.
~went to walkabout for my tea...yumyum.
~every time i fucking die are supposed to be touring the uk in oct/nov some time....omfg!!!! yass!!!
yeah..no im really excited bout that...can you tell?
~its 58 days now till i leave for new zealand.
~my tragus is some sore shit right now, as are my ear drums, and that fucking mental fire alarm just then didnt help matters.
~seriously, i mean to quote olly, it does just feel like its 'raping your ears'.
~im really very tired and im going back to bed now.
haemo x x x.

well anyway i figured now was a good time to write some stuff, urr...yeah.
~my big purple dolphin lolly is almost all gone.
~i voted the very lovely/very hawt jamie mchale for qm president.
~went to walkabout for my tea...yumyum.
~every time i fucking die are supposed to be touring the uk in oct/nov some time....omfg!!!! yass!!!

~its 58 days now till i leave for new zealand.
~my tragus is some sore shit right now, as are my ear drums, and that fucking mental fire alarm just then didnt help matters.
~seriously, i mean to quote olly, it does just feel like its 'raping your ears'.
~im really very tired and im going back to bed now.
haemo x x x.